2015 Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt wrap up

Last updated : April 11, 2016

Here we are at the end of summer…well, at least the end of the 2015 Summer photo Scavenger hunt hosted by Rinda.

At my last check in I had over half of the items on the list as well as the alternates.

2015photo hunt 1

I am so happy to say that I have completed the list!! Hooray! I love being able to check something off a list. In fact…secret coming…I write stuff on my to-do list after doing it just so I can cross it off. Yeah…I have a problem.

The remainder of the items are as follows….

4. People playing a board game or card game

game time

a rousing game of Scattergories Categories

6. A metal bridge

metal bridge 1

This first photo was taken while passing a company that builds metal bridges. We passed it at least three times so on the last time I had passed of my phone off for someone to snap the photo at my direction.

metal bridge 2

I think this may have been one from that same company in real world use.

8. Someone “plugged in” to social media

plugged in

Sad but true…computer in the van.

11. A cellular tower or television satellite dish

cell tower

Along the interstate…

14. A traffic signaltraffic signal

Rural central Minnesota gas station with really old pumps and the craziest items for sale in a convenience store I’ve ever seen. It was like an episode of Hoarders with price tags complete with a literal path to the “customers only” restroom. Yikes!

15. A flag pole with at least three flags on it

three flags

Ok I’m taking a little liberty with this one…but it was REALLY HARD to find.

18. An overloaded truck, car, bicycle or other vehicle

overloaded 1

Two examples on the interstate…The first some big piece of farm equipment

overloaded 2

And this one was just crazy and freaked me out when it came into view. I saw this white truck in my lane ahead of me suddenly.  AWH!!!! But it was being towed by another truck piggy backing on the lead truck.  WHAT?!?!  I’ve never seen anything like that before.

Photos taken while on the road were taken by my kids…thanks you two!!  Safety first. :)

21. A photograph of you with a sign reading “2015 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt”. Note: you may not use a substitute for this item.


This was great fun! I’m already looking forward to playing along next year! Special thanks to Rinda for once again hosting this great summer challenge.

5 Thoughts on 2015 Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt wrap up
    Bleubeard and elizabeth
    1 Sep 2015

    WOW, I love the photo of you. Much better than mine. Your hair is longer than I envisioned it,

    Had to laugh at the hoarders customers only gas station. Too funny.

    And I have to thank you, thank you for an idea I now have about a flag pole. Yours is fantastic.

    Congrats on getting the rest of these. You did GOOD!!

    2 Sep 2015

    Excellent lego flagpole why didn’t I think of that! Know what you mean about lists, I am exactly the same, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Well done for finishing the hunt, I have 2 of the substitutes still to find….BJ

    Divers and Sundry
    2 Sep 2015

    Congratulations! I’m enjoying the photos people got. So many different takes on the same object :)

    2 Sep 2015

    Well done on finishing the list! Fab finds and great photos… Loving the Lego Man with his 3 flags…. Very clever!! :)

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    12 Sep 2015

    Glad I did not miss this post Halle! What fun to see all of fab photos and finds. Looks like you had a great time with the scavenger hunt. I totally missed the boat this year…not sure what happened to me. oxo

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