T Tuesday: random assortment edition

I’m not going to sugar coat it…this post is going to be all over the place. Kind of like my brain some days.

My neighbor, who is a prolific card maker, inspired me to get back at it. The first chore is cutting, scoring and folding the cardstock. Once I had a nice stack I began looking through my scraps and envelopes. An orange one caught my eye…a Shutterfly envelope. Inside I found a stack of photos perfect for cards. I know I originally ordered them for that purpose but they got set aside and therefore forgotten.

In a short time I had this pile of blank photo cards completed.

This is one of my favorite photos. I created this arrangement exclusively from my yard into a handmade pottery piece I picked up at a garage sale.

Independence day was a rainy day here so both the parade and fireworks were cancelled. The city made the decision to reschedule the fireworks until July 12th.

We are lucky enough to be able to walk a few houses down to the top of a cul-de-sac to view the show. The mosquitos were fierce but it was still a good time.

My garden is continuing to produce which makes me so happy. I grilled the yellow squash on Sunday with our meal. It was delish!

I’m also working on some coffee dyeing. It’s really hot but humid. I’m hoping the sun will overpower the humidity when it comes to drying these stacked pages. I have lots of different stencils and plastic pieces mixed in the stack to hopefully create some cool patterns. I’ll share my results at a later date.

What are you doing today?

8 Thoughts on T Tuesday: random assortment edition
    17 Jul 2024

    Great idea for the cards. Grilled squash sounds so good. I’ll have to remember that when the squashes Himself planted come in. Love the fireworks photos. Happy T Day

    Alison Hall
    16 Jul 2024

    A great post Halle. Your photo cards are beautiful.

    Divers and Sundry
    16 Jul 2024

    Great fireworks! We didn’t see any this year, so I’ll enjoy your photos👍

    That squash looks tasty.

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    16 Jul 2024

    Such fabulous cards! I’m loving the home produce , I bet it tasted amazing too ☺️. Wishing you a very happy 11th Anniversay T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    17 Jul 2024

    A good idea to use photographs for cards. Especially if you were the one taking the pictures.
    The bouquet on this particular picture looks beautiful.
    A shame that the fireworks were postponed. But in the rain, there is no point.
    How did your coffee dying project go? Did it dry well?
    Happy T-Day,

    15 Jul 2024

    Seeing everyone’s fireworks has been fun this month. Good that they postponed until better weather.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    15 Jul 2024

    What a fun post. I love the pitcher with your flowers. You have a LOT of flowers. All I have are herbs (grin). Nicely arranged, too.

    You have some wonderful veggies from your garden, too. They sure look yummy. Have I mentioned my herbs?

    I look forward to seeing the results of your coffee dyed papers. I want to see how the stencils interact. Great way to join T Tuesday, too. Thank you for this out of the box fun post and way to honor T this week. I am very grateful for you, dear friend.

    Erika N
    15 Jul 2024

    Lucky you to have produce already. They look beautiful. And I like your bouquet. It makes a lovely photo on your card. I hope you share your coffee dyeing results too. Have a super T day Halle. hugs-Erika

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