A beautiful day

Last updated : April 11, 2016

beautiful dayWe’ve had such gorgeous weather lately. It inspired me to create this journal page day.

Blue sky and puffy white clouds.

A field of flowers…beautiful day full page

I think I was also inspired by a recent trip to the MN Landscape Arboretum.  So many beautiful flowers. I took well over 100 photos in the 1.5 we were there.

I’ll share more of that day in a later post.




This was the last photo I took that day as we were walking back out to our vehicle. That’s it straight from the camera…no edits…no fussing with color balance etc….with the exception of my watermark, of course.

coneflower edit



Here’s the same photo after playing around in Photoshop. It has a completely different mood.

I could play in the digital world all day but there are things in the real world that need my attention today.


2 Thoughts on A beautiful day
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    5 Aug 2013

    WOW. The beautiful day is not just in your journal, but also in your photos. Simply gorgeous. I love the cone flowers in their natural state, and confess, the altered ones look like the ones that don’t get enough sun in my front garden.

    It’s been raining here every night for three weeks. Last night Hutchinson (where Kathy lives) got over 7 1/2 inches of rain in about 4 hours. Wichita got 5. Same thing is supposed to happen tonight. All the basements in my neighborhood have water in them, as does mine. Hutchinson had flood warnings that extended through today. Our river, that was all dried up last year, is now over its banks in places. I’d love to take some of your wonderful day, even if it’s painted in place!

    6 Aug 2013

    what a beautiful day and journal pages indeed… coneflowers are such pretty tall “soldiers” that bloom and bloom… looking forward to more arboretum pix too! oxo

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