A magical place

Last updated : April 11, 2016

magical placephoto assistantPrincess GracieI wish I had a time lapse of this journal page. It went through many different stages and colors before arriving at the finished product. This definitely made the background rich and with great depth.

The words were an afterthought…but they fit just perfectly to me. When I rip pages out of my journals to reduce bulk, I often look for phrases that speak to me. I cut them out and save them for a future project. I never pick the words beforehand….always after I have set the paintbrush down.

Whenever I go outside to photograph my art for the blog I have an assistant who likes to tag along.

She really isn’t much help. In fact, she is usually a distraction as I must keep one eye on her so she doesn’t get into trouble.

It usually works out best when she finds a nice sunny spot to get her daily dose of vitamin D.

Oh, the life of a spoiled cat.


6 Thoughts on A magical place
    2 Aug 2013

    Halle, your journal pages are coming along quite nicely. Love the balloon effect with just a few words. I think your mystery flower is a Sunflower. Birds sometimes carry the seeds and drop them, or they come from a feeder. Keep smiling and creating. Thanks for popping by.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    2 Aug 2013

    First, your latest entries are NOT showing up on my sidebar. So that’s why I’m late getting here.

    Second, I love the richness of this spread. And the magical flowers are adorable in their field, too.

    Third, Miss Gracie gets better looking every day. She has turned into one fine fur babe!!

    2 Aug 2013

    Your contented furry helper makes me smile…she does have a good life… Your journal must be filling up fast…you are on fire Mz H! I often wish I had the camera ready to take pix along the way… it would help us know where we’ve been too LOL oxo

    Jan LaFollette
    2 Aug 2013

    I always say our cats are “working on their tan” when they are laying in the sun! Love your journal page….beautiful colors and depth. Using black makes such a strong and stunning statement.

    Divers and Sundry
    3 Aug 2013

    “I never pick the words beforehand….always after I have set the paintbrush down.”

    i always tended to plan things out ahead, but your idea is a better way to let the moment’s inspiration strike.

    4 Aug 2013

    oh, I love these pages…the text makes them perfect! and perhaps your assistant was “purr-fectly” fascinated by what you were up to…!

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