A second look: 1000 Jewelry Inspirations

Today for Second on the 2nd I’d love to share a second look at my very first published item. Strangely enough, it was jewelry not paper arts.

On a whim I created a charm bracelet in response to a call for items for an upcoming book. I didn’t even really dream that my work would be chosen but was over the moon when it did. My bracelet ended up in two sections of the book, including one full page spread.

bracelet second look

Take a look at the original post from 2008


I just got word that the book my bracelet is published in is on Amazon for pre-order.

As far as I can tell my bracelet didn’t make the cover shot. It was sent off with 49 other pieces as to be photographed for possible cover shots. Bummer. I’m certainly not going to complain though!! It just would have been the super sweet icing on the cake to be on the cover as well!


I find it interesting when I look back at posts from the start of my blog. They are so short, tiny photos and frankly, a little boring.  It’s a wonder that I had any readers at all! Oh well..style definitely develops over time. Thanks for taking a walk down memory lane with me.

6 Thoughts on A second look: 1000 Jewelry Inspirations
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth -
    2 Jul 2016

    I am truly impressed with all your art, and it’s amazing how you keep submitting your art to magazines (and books) and they keep getting accepted. SO proud of you for that.

    It looks like that bracelet held everything but the kitchen sink. I can see where your mixed media background came in handy with this one.

    Thanks for digging this up and reshowing it as your Second on the 2nd.

    2 Jul 2016

    Your bracelet is wonderful, and BIG congrats that you were chosen to be published, it is truly a great inspiration. Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Valerie

    2 Jul 2016

    Your excitement really shows here – not surprised either, it is fabulous bracelet! A great second on the 2nd post! Have a great weekend! Chrisx

    Erika N
    3 Jul 2016

    How fun. Its such a cool bracelet and so much fun for you to get it in print. I’m glad you shared it again because i didn’t see it before. Happy 4th weekend. Hugs-Erika

    Divers and Sundry
    3 Jul 2016

    What a beautiful bracelet! And such satisfaction that it was recognized as worth highlighting in this way. Full page! Sweet :)

    Dianne C.
    10 Jul 2016

    that bracelet is stunning! lol about the blog evolving…I feel that way about my first posts too…you do a terrific job with your posts AND your art – never doubt it! and your post titles are catchy…they make it fun and interesting!

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