i love those squiggles lol. they look so carefree :)
Bleubeard and Elizabeth
14 Aug 2013
Graffiti at its finest. Love the colors, too.
14 Aug 2013
Your squiggles and splatters really work beautifully on your pages Halle!
Great Mother Theresa quote too ♥
Kelly Deal
15 Aug 2013
Love your journal pages, so fun!
16 Aug 2013
Drips and splatters are always good for adding interest and fun to a page! Lovely quote, and the spread is delicious. … and what a great photo for T Tuesday…looks like lots of cards in the making!
i love those squiggles lol. they look so carefree :)
Graffiti at its finest. Love the colors, too.
Your squiggles and splatters really work beautifully on your pages Halle! Great Mother Theresa quote too ♥ oxo
Love your journal pages, so fun!
Drips and splatters are always good for adding interest and fun to a page! Lovely quote, and the spread is delicious. … and what a great photo for T Tuesday…looks like lots of cards in the making!
Love the quote and your pages!