Art Calendar beginnings

Last updated : January 11, 2015

kathryn wheelI’ve debated a couple years now on joining this challenge.

I admire those who document their life in some way.

Yes, I blog. Yes, I keep a calendar both on paper and computer. But that’s not exactly what I had in mind.

I’ve thought about so many options such as Project Life, December Daily, daily journal or even a pocket calendar such as my mom uses to write a snippet of her day.  Then my mind went back to the art calendar challenge put forth by Kathryn Wheel. I’ve been following several blog friends through there journeys over the past year.  I decided this was the time.

january calendar

cold morning

Besides…it’s way too cold to do anything in the basement where my art space resides. Now that I have the background done for this project, I can do the rest where its warmer.

I plan to bind each page separately into the book covers using a technique I saw years ago in a library book. Hopefully, I can pull it off when the time comes.

Remember I said it was cold….

This is my front door…

Governor Dayton called off school for today last Friday knowing the Arctic blast we’d be experiencing today.  The kids are hoping for yet another day off tomorrow. I’d say that’s pretty doubtful but they can dream.

Stay warm and safe everyone!!


2 Thoughts on Art Calendar beginnings
    6 Jan 2014

    How fun that you are playing along with the calendars for the year…
    I know several people who have stuck with it for some time now!

    You are off to a great start!

    BOY you know it’s cold when you Minnesotan’s close school!
    Stay warm and unfrosty as much as possible!!!


    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    6 Jan 2014

    Holy cow. It really IS cold there. I simply can’t imagine how cold it really is. I saw one of the states east of you (can’t remember which, but not Il) where the governor said only emergency vehicles were allowed on the streets. Wise move, in my opinion.

    I LOVE your January calendar page. It is awesome. Now you must tell me how you made the marks and how you got them so even. Obviously you measured twice and stamped once (grin).

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