Having a bit of fun in my door journal today. Bits and pieces….accumulation. Found text. Paint, pens and stamps. Ah, the fun and freedom in creating.
Art journal shenanigans
Last updated : April 10, 2016
Having a bit of fun in my door journal today. Bits and pieces….accumulation. Found text. Paint, pens and stamps. Ah, the fun and freedom in creating.
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This could have gone in your “fashion” AB. It certainly has a feel of days gone by. I like the layers a LOT. Nice playtime fun.
Super page you created… your sharp dressed girl looks like she could be on a pattern cover :-) It is such fun to create freely! oxo
she is tres swanky! and your tea post had me giggling…i have those happy norwegian calves too! out.in.it.every.day with the dog…it is like january…tomorrow should be interesting…rain and melt then cold again…should make driving an adventure to be sure…happy thanksgiving, halle!