I made a couple of quick ATC’s yesterday. The sewn one was a forgotten work-in-progress. It had fallen behind some stuff on my ever shrinking workspace. Time to clean and organize again I fear.
I also did some more on my painting. I should have stopped before adding all the green. Of course, I didn’t take a picture at the previous stage.
I may scrap the whole thing and gesso over it. Or maybe some molding paste. For now it will sit off to the side waiting for me to decide
What a nice surprise to find your ATC waiting for you! Both are great!Your painting looks wonderful!I agree that setting pieces aside sometimes is a great way to return to the piece with a fresh look. Someone also suggested looking at it upside down, sometimes it’s easier to see where we might add something. I have great luck scanning pieces … I see all sorts of things on the computer screen!Happy Weekend to you and yours Halle!oxo
What a wonderful surprise to find your ATC. Like a mini treat for cleaning up a bit. Imagine what you’ll find once you organize.
Scott and I visited your blog earlier. He was on the phone and I was explaining the problem with the sliding horizontal bar. I now know it’s due to two conflicting layouts. He had me fix mine over the phone, so you KNOW it’s easy. When you have some time, I’ll walk you through it.
I see Patty left a nice comment. She’s such a sweetheart.