Author : halleday

1729 posts

snowstormI was inspired by the snow yesterday to create this page.

Today, the sun is shining. It’s deceptively cold out there but that certainly doesn’t stop the critters from going about there business.


snowyIt’s another snowy day in the neighborhood.The white stuff messed up my plans for the day. I had a list of places to go today including on finally making it to knitting this morning but instead I have a date with the snowblower.

Halle put the kettle onI’ve got a kettle heating so I can make a large thermo mug full of tea to drink outside.

be the light archOn the bright side, I do have some art to share.   I was inspired by a Yogi tea bag and Patty’s word of the year to make this piece.

be the lightThe Gothic arch shape was a leftover from a previous swap. I think I only have one arch left…I’ll have to save that one for a template.

Since the snow is still falling…I’ll be visiting my T Tuesday friends before tackling the driveway.

What are you doing today?

For the second day in a row, my kids have the day off due too dangerously cold temps. They are thrilled. Me…not so much. I am thankful I don’t have to worry about them getting frostbite while standing at the bus stop but keeping them from fighting and away from screens is a challenge when I can’t just throw them outside. :)

breakfast tea

I made myself a sandwich for breakfast today alongside my red rooibos tea. I tend to have non-traditional breakfasts. I need to have protein in the morning otherwise I can feel my blood sugar get all wonky.

sew what

Since hanging out in my basement art space isn’t an option, I’ve been back at the sewing machine.  I just love patchwork!

Next I’m going to check out the T Stands for Tuesday link list on Elizabeth’s blog.

What are you doing today?


kathryn wheelI’ve debated a couple years now on joining this challenge.

I admire those who document their life in some way.

Yes, I blog. Yes, I keep a calendar both on paper and computer. But that’s not exactly what I had in mind.

I’ve thought about so many options such as Project Life, December Daily, daily journal or even a pocket calendar such as my mom uses to write a snippet of her day.  Then my mind went back to the art calendar challenge put forth by Kathryn Wheel. I’ve been following several blog friends through there journeys over the past year.  I decided this was the time.

january calendar

cold morning

Besides…it’s way too cold to do anything in the basement where my art space resides. Now that I have the background done for this project, I can do the rest where its warmer.

I plan to bind each page separately into the book covers using a technique I saw years ago in a library book. Hopefully, I can pull it off when the time comes.

Remember I said it was cold….

This is my front door…

Governor Dayton called off school for today last Friday knowing the Arctic blast we’d be experiencing today.  The kids are hoping for yet another day off tomorrow. I’d say that’s pretty doubtful but they can dream.

Stay warm and safe everyone!!


dream bigI made this one with my daughter in mind.

balanceI’ve choosen the word Balance for this year.

Last year I used Simplify…I’m not sure that I really lived up to that one. In fact I’m pretty sure I made things more complicated for myself. That is why Balance is needed.

Did you choose a word for the year? Or make resolutions? I’d love to hear about them…

T stands for Tuesday_200

Finishing out 2013 with T Stands for Tuesday seems just right.  It’s hard to believe that time passes so quickly. Was it really 14 years ago that we were all worried that at the stroke of midnight the world as we know it might have ended with the Y2K scare. Mr. G and I were driving home on the freeway at the new year….since the lights didn’t go out we figured we were fine. Good thing too, since I was over 8 months pregnant. :)

J mug



I confess that there is no tea in the mug today…in fact, it’s not even mine. Big J gave Little J this mug and a bag of chocolate truffles for her birthday yesterday.  I just love that it looks like a knit sweater!








She got a snowboard for Christmas. Her and the neighbor girl have been busy practicing when ever possible.

tea gifts

Since family and friends know my love of tea on a cold winters day…and we’re having quite the streak of those right now….I received some really nice tea related gifts this Christmas.


I also had to show you that the Christmas tree is put away and my lawyers cabinet is back in place. Notice the wine sign…my next door neighbor gave it to me for Christmas! I love it! Makes me smile every time I walk through the room.

Upon closer inspection now that photos have been taken I see some of my treasures in the cabinet toppled over when we moved it. Sorry Elizabeth…your book fell down behind my red treasure box. Isn’t that always the way…you see the crazy stuff after taking a photo. :)

Before someone asks…  The carvings on top of the cabinet were done by Mr. G’s late grandma. The one on the left portrays Charles Dickens.  The middle one is of her first 3 children. And the last on top is Grandma and Grandpa feeding the birds. Aren’t they wonderful!?!!!

Tonight we’ll be having fondue and a bit off bubbly right here at home. We most likely won’t stay up to ring in the new year but it will be there waiting for us in the morning!

Have a safe and Happy New Year!!



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