Author : halleday
1729 posts
I can scarcely believe that I’ve written that many posts!
And even more shocking is the fact that you all are still here reading after all this time.
Especially considering that I’ve been in quite a dry spell lately.
With that said, I’d like to reward one of you for sticking with me by sending you one of my newly created scrap journals.
All you need to do is leave a comment on this post, making sure I have some way to contact you if you are the winner.
I’ll draw the winning name on November 27th.
The winner will have their choice of cover designs.
Easy peasy, right!?!?
I’ve been working on loom knitting again. I have an order for 10 dishcloths and am expecting I’ll be getting a few more orders real soon. I decided to use some of my scraps of yarn to give some visual interest to these cloths. Waste not, want not.