Author : halleday

1729 posts

So I did get inspired from sorting buttons. Not to actually used any of those buttons but by color. 
I painted a 12×12 deep edge canvas with several shades of yellow.  Then using a palette knife applied a bold wave of burgundy then some thin lines with the edge of the knife. 
I knew I wanted a circle…I love circles for some reason.  I knew I had a perfect piece of Citra Solv paper. I used gel medium to adhere it to the canvas. 

It’ still needed something. I decided to try out beeswax over the top. I’ve always wanted to try it so why not right!
It wasn’t as easy to spread as I thought so I decided to get out the heat gun to try to smooth things out a bit.
After several minutes of fussing with it …melting,…cooling…melting some more…

I came up with my finished piece.
Or at least I think it’s finished… This is where I struggle…not knowing when enough is enough.
I love that the paper that once looked slightly out of place is now firmly set into the painting..looking as if it is “one with the canvas”.
Stop by Kimmie’s to see what the Tea Tuesday gals are doing today….maybe you’ll even see a teacup in a picture.  :)

Seems to help me sometimes. It is yet to be seen if it did the trick 
this time. 

When I read about Seth Apters latest collaboration idea I loved it! 
I have tons of books….both ones I’ve created and vintage ones.
Of course, being the procrastinator that I am…I didn’t even start to gather anything until about 25 minutes ago. Boy, was I in for a surprise… I had way more books that I ever realized. 
My stack on the coffee table had to be moved to the buffet where I could use the wall to prop them up!

My book arts stack is very colorful…and fluffy.

I tend to make books that don’t have a chance of
ever laying flat. 

They must sit splayed open inviting a passerby to pick it up.


The edges of altered board books are probably my favorite. 
With the ripped papers hanging slightly over and the different colors of paint grazed 
across the edge by happenstance.
I also use stacks of books in decorating my house. This stack currently sits on the mantle.

As a little lift for a plant to get it some much needed sun.

For some height on a shelf.

And lastly the set of books
I refuse to stack.
They are the first thing you see when walking into my house. 
I have my Grandpa’s medical books and his Norwegian Seminary book, my dad’s Bible plus some poetry books from the 1800’s.

Thanks for stopping by today. 
Now I must set my house back to rights…geesh…what a mess I made.

My garden harvest is winding down…so
I’ve started the process of saving seeds for next years garden. This way I’m creating my own heirloom seeds. This is what I’ve collected thus far. 
I’m waiting for a 3 other tomato plants to ripen so that we may sample the goods and see if they are worth saving.  
I got those plants from my psuedo-sister-in-law so I don’t even know what they are called. 
Do you save seeds? Vegetables? Flowers?
I save them all….it’s fun to see what comes of it and besides that-
Stop by Kimmie’s blog  to see what she my Tea Tuesday friends are up to today. 
I’m heading there next myself.
BTW-Kimmie also has a wonderful gardening blog that can be found on her side bar.

I just had to share my excitement about this book I checked out from the library! 
I have major art journal envy of those who do it so well. I just haven’t been able to set myself free enough to do it I guess. 
I feel like this book can help me.
It’s definitely going on my wish list…
It’s fully of step by step photos for some great background techniques.

Tip and tricks…

By the way…
I’m not being compensated in any way shape or form by anyone. I’m sure that Traci Bunkers doesn’t have a clue who I am nor do the publishers of this book.
Just wanted you to know that before I went any further.

I’ve gotten inspired.
First I did a quick, no thought page
in a practice book.
Not bad…not great but I’m working at it.

I’ve got an idea in mind for a bunch of recycled cardboard as well.
Just working on getting it prepped with my horrible gesso. I say horrible because it is some lame off brand and it’s so watery.
Live and learn then buy the good stuff.

I had to take my mom for an appointment this morning and somehow ran out of time before leaving.  
I was busy composing my to-do list…and even glanced at the crossword from Sunday while enjoying my cup of tea. 
I already drank most of a pot of coffee. It’s rough getting up at 5:30…
Hopefully I’ll actually get a few of those things crossed off the list before the day is out. 
Wish me luck…I’m going to need it!

Stop by our hostess, Kimmie’s blog when you have a chance…she has some beautiful photos posted today.


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