I’m not going to lie…it’s still coffee in my cup.
I wanted to get outside and check on my plants.
The squirrels have been driving me crazy with their digging!!
Ok, my green onions are fine.
Maybe the movement of the pinwheel is helping.
Happy Flag Day!
Oh good, my newly transplanted rhubarb looks like it’s finally starting to accept its new home.
This is my latest goofy attempt to keep the squirrels out of my lettuce box.
It looks like I’m trying to grow sticks. Not liking the look.
Hey, where did the sun go??
I better finish up my coffee so I can get the rest of my planting done before it decides to rain.
Thanks for stopping by for tea…oh, yeah…coffee with me.
Remember to swing my
Kimmie’s blog for the full list of Tea Tuesday participants.