Author : halleday

1729 posts

These are the days I don’t like living in Minnesota.

Here’s a snapshot of my desktop from a little bit ago. That is actual air temp…not wind chill.

And, yes, the kids have school…on time…standing at the bus stop. Poor things. Their only exposed area was a little slit for the eyes.  At least they’ll have indoor recess today.

I cleaned up my art zone a little bit yesterday…enough to do a quick page in an altered book.
I used some of the scrap laying around the workspace for this page. I still need to get to work on some similar themed swap pages.

I also started work on yet another attempt at a braided rug. Things are going much better this time around… *quickly knocking on wood*

The morning sky was pretty so I thought I’d share it with you. The photo was taken through the glass of the patio door. Way to chilly to stand outside for a lousy photo op for me.

This very exciting for me… Someone picked one of my items for their Treasury. Which, if I correctly understand, means that for a time the treasury is featured on Etsy’s homepage.  
See the scarf in the lower left….mine.  Silly, I know, but it makes me happy.

I’m indulging in my new very favorite tea from Aveda.
My next door neighbor introduced me to it, which is oh so good and oh so bad.
Good because it’s so yummy!
Bad because it’s so expensive!

Like I said I’m indulging myself today.

I’m going to spend some of my tea time today with my journal. I’ve been neglecting it a bit… Okay… a lot.  (yes Elizabeth…I am using it!)

Stop by Kimmie’s blog to see what my Tea Tuesday friends are doing today…

When I saw this scarf at Simply Modern Mom, I knew I had to try it. It really took no time at all.

I am so proud of myself!! I actually followed a crochet pattern and completed a project. 

I’m going to try another one with a different type of yarn. Maybe something a little fuzzy.
Check one New Year’s goal off the list!

Once again we awake to more snow. Never mind the temp gauge on the shed door that perpetually reads 30°F… It’s currently a balmy 19°F.  It’s actually quite beautiful out.

Of course, we’d never heard the plow go through during the night so we never guessed there was a bunch of snow in the driveway. Lucky for my husband, I know how to run the snowblower properly now. He could just ram through the berm at the end and slip-slide to work again once again.

So I made a big mug of tea before heading out. It was the perfect temp by the time I finished.

I should probably invest in some proper snow gear one of these years. But for now…hiking boots and jeans seem to fit the bill.

Go see what my Tea Tuesday friends are doing today. Head over to the new page on Kimmie’s blog.

This was made from stuff I had in my scrap bucket.  I’m trying to back to making art but sometimes I feel as if I’m trying too hard. Maybe I just need to let it happen.


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