Author : halleday
1729 posts
I made a couple of quick ATC’s yesterday. The sewn one was a forgotten work-in-progress. It had fallen behind some stuff on my ever shrinking workspace. Time to clean and organize again I fear.
I also did some more on my painting. I should have stopped before adding all the green. Of course, I didn’t take a picture at the previous stage.
I may scrap the whole thing and gesso over it. Or maybe some molding paste. For now it will sit off to the side waiting for me to decide
So far we’ve planted:
- basil
- parsley
- dill
- yellow pear shaped tomatoes
- pumpkins
- petunias
- delphinium
- blazing stars
- marigolds
I plan on starting some more seeds but ran out of little recycled containers and my helper ran out of patience. :)
All of these seeds are ones I’ve collected from last years plants. It should be interesting to see what actually germinates.
What do you think? I really need some feedback on certain issues.
- Does it take to long to load?
- Is the text easy to read?
- Are the colors to harsh?
I’m also having an issue with the blue underlined links….they should not be that way!! Even though I have changed the color in the blogger dashboard they remain blue underlined links. Somewhere I have a bit of code messed up and can’t figure it out. GRRR! I’ve spent so much time hand coding that my eyes are ready to bug out of my head!