With this piece I changed size but not format. It’s still a loose leaf page but instead of 7×10 inches, it measures 6×8. I had a few random 6×8 pieces of scrapbook paper in my stash. Likely from a garage sale. I was drawn to the teal color as well as the bright green leafy strip which was originally at the top of the page. However it had a hole punched in the center.
I decided I need some layers to take care of that problem. I have a box of Project Life cards in my stash that are very neutral. The card had a blank space that perfectly fit the green strip. I zigzag stitched the strip across the entire page.
Then I began playing with other elements to complete my collage while covering the hole in the green strip. I found the perfect ruffle in my stash of ruffles. I like to mass make them with fabric strips I have laying around. They definitely come in handy.
Bird image is from a Tim Holtz ephemera pack and was the right size for the tag I picked out. The clock and wish label were cut from a magazine ages ago and hoarded away until now. I have a cigar box of images and fussy cuts that I’ve amassed over time. Again making it easy when I’m looking for just the right something to add to a page. The little yellow flower is an iron-on, I believe. It was a great topper for the tag and covered the hole in the tag as well.
I’m very pleased with this page and it will make a great addition to my planner journal.