Author : halleday

1729 posts

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Mi cumpleaños es el cinco de mayo. The only sentence I remember from my years of Spanish. Translation: My birthday is May 5th.

Our lovely host for T stands for Tuesday, Elizabeth, sent me a a wonderful gift last week. She’s so funny…if you click on the image you’ll see what she wrote that makes me laugh.


 We have a running joke about being late for each others birthdays even though they are within 2 weeks of each other.

She sent me some of her wonderful handmade paper that I absolutely love and a beautiful handmade book.  I was having issues taking these photos so I apologize for them not being the greatest.






Each page has carefully selected words and images that speak to our friendship. I’m so happy to have received such a thoughtful and heartfelt gift. Thank you dear friend!

I do know that Elizabeth is planning to share about this book later in the week and will likely have much better photos now that she has a good camera.

Thought I’d also show you my seedings…20150504_7705

again…crappy photo. My photo mojo was totally off yesterday. The whole day was a bit off to be honest. Here’s to a better day!

I plan to watch a mid-day movie from the comfort of my couch….possibly with an adult beverage…it’s my birthday I can do that.  No cleaning. I threw a roast is in the crockpot and the family can make the rest happen for supper.  A Tuesday birthday during the school year doesn’t work so well for an evening celebration. Too busy. The way I figure is I just get to celebrate longer as we have time. :)

What are you doing today?

SecondlookThis month for Second on the 2nd I decided to share a second look at a postcard book…well, actually two books…I created to hold my postcard collection.

The original post was dated July 13, 2011.  Come along for a trip down memory lane with me.



This spring I got back into swapping postcards on Swapbot.  Of course, they have other things to swap but I’ve had the most fun with postcards.

Who doesn’t love getting mail, right?!

What do you do with a big stack of postcards to make them a little more fun…

You make a book!

This book was a great size and had the perfect title.

I made 3 tiny signatures and attached them to the cover with a pamphlet stitch. I used a dry adhesive tape runner on the front side of each of the postcards to “tip” them into the book.

These postcards came from all over the globe…

Places such as South Africa

New Zealand


And as close as the next state.

Years ago, before starting this blog, I made my first book to hold my postcards.

Kind of a cheesy title….

But I was happy with the the way a bound the signatures as well as attached envelopes to hold some extras.  Good thing too…the pockets are filled to the brim now.

Welcome to another edition of T stands for TuesdayT stands for Tuesday_200

Last week you may remember amidst celebrating our hostess Elizabeth’s birthday, I mentioned I had a busy week coming up. The reason was J and I were heading to Mother/Daughter camp for the third year in a row.

After a chilly rainy start the weather turned absolutely beautiful!! Mid 50’s and sunshine!! We were busy from dawn to dark. It was exhausting but fun. Before we even left for home I heard “next year when we come…”

We did lots of crafts….

journal and pen

journal and fiber wrapped pen with pompom

leather stamping

leather stamping…I plan to attach this to an upcoming journal


wooden chalkboard…I plan to do something more with this to make it a bit more pretty.

There was also a locker size magnetic white board decorated with fancy duck tape but that must have went to school already.

In addition there was horseback riding…horse barn after ride

and the highropes course that included a zipline.

I wanted to embed a video here but it’s not working out…so you’ll have to imagine J zinging along a wire over a ravine.  :)

We had a wonderful time!

This morning I sat with my coffee signing paperwork for my boy’s second day of driver’s training classroom instruction.IMG_0354

Time passes oh so quickly!!

I’ve got more paperwork to take care of today as well as a small mountain of laundry.

What are you doing today?

T stands for Tuesday_200Welcome, welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

I’m having a cup of half and half laced coffee this morning in honor of our hostess, Elizabeth. Of course, she drinks hers nearly white with cream. I just couldn’t do it.


I’m raising my cup to her not only to say thank you for hosting our weekly blog party but in addition to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ok I’m a day early but that’s better than a day late!!

Mr G and I also had a celebration over the weekend…our 21st wedding anniversary! We had a relaxing quiet weekend at home. We had sushi, got caught up on some of our shows and for a brief bit, I nearly forgot we had children…they were with my in-laws for the weekend. It was almost like we were newlyweds again.

This is a crazy busy week for me. I’m not sure how much crafting if any I’ll be able to do. You can check out a couple of my latest art journal pages here and here.

What are you doing today?

PS…don’t forget to wish Elizabeth a Happy Birthday tomorrow!

I’m trying my hand at Journal 52 this week since I was using magazine images in my coffee theme book. coffee collage crazy

I pulled out elements that fit my theme then went for some scrapbook paper for the background. Not my usual way of starting out but I’ve got to use up some of that paper!!

The paper I used is actually for a little boy page. The upper left of the 12×12 piece said Catch me…  Since I already had the word coffee… cut out it seemed to fit perfectly.

Across the top I layered on a coffee bean image from an ad and part of a bookmark. It still needed something so I sponged some gesso through a letter stencil. I then dipped my double circle tool, which happens to be from the center of a transparent tape roll, in gesso because who doesn’t love circles!

I used a Pitt pen to go around the coffee cup image for depth. I still felt it needed a bit more of the red so I grabbed some stickers from Starbucks (thanks Elizabeth) for the right touch of color. I  happened upon these play money coins and thought they’d be perfect final touch.

There is a chill in the air again after a gorgeous day yesterday. Wishing for another day influenced my journal page.blooms

Random bits of this and that make up this page. I attempted to use some ancient rub-ons for background interest. A few bees were the most successful. Lesson learned with rub-ons. Use them when you get them…don’t hang on to them for years and years then expect them to still work.

blooms quote

The quote is from a vellum sheet I had laying around. I’m working on using up some of my orphan bits and pieces. An art journal is the perfect place!

Linking up with Art Journal Journey once again. I can’t say this is a favorite quote but it is a good one.

Art Journal Journey

I thought I’d share another page in my coffee theme altered book on this T stands for Tuesday. I can see the end of the book. I’m estimating I only have room for 3 more spreads. Longest project ever!!

java in a teacup

Now that it’s nearing completion, I’m really trying to grind it out… *grin*

plant update

I thought I’d give a little peek at my seedlings. They are getting leggy…time to transplant into slightly bigger pots.

sunny spot

I also had to share this gorgeous photo of Gracie that Little J aka Mini-me aka JR took the other day. I knew she was using my camera but wasn’t sure for what. She definitely has an eye for lighting.

I’ve got errands, phone calls and chores on my list today. Living the dream. :)

What are you doing today?


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