Author : halleday

1729 posts

As I’ve said many many times…I spend a lot of time on Pinterest. I’m often inspired by the images I see. I’m not one to completely copycat but tweak the design a little for my own use. Sometimes it’s color combos that make me run downstairs to create. Other times it’s the curve of a line, interesting texture or a simple splat of ink that has my mind whirling.

Before a stomach bug took me out of commission for a couple of days, I was inspired by this image and my new found interest obsession in weaving, to create this card.

woven text with heart

Actually I made a couple cards since I had strips cut.

The cards in turn inspired me to create this journal page.


The Yogi tea tag was a serendipitous find in my stash.

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T stands for Tuesday_200I’ve picked up a stomach bug.  A sleeve of soda crackers is my friend. sick teaOf course, I can’t just sit still on the couch and watch TV…I’m passing time making paper flowers at the same time.

Now I’m just hoping I don’t pass it along to the rest of the family.

What are you doing today?

SecondlookToday for Second on the 2nd, I’m going to share with you today a post from 4 yrs ago about a technique that I simply love.

Without further ado here is the post from December 2010…


 I am totally hooked on this “new to me”  technique. I’ve seen it in a magazine, You Tube, blogs etc. Trust me…this technique has been around the block a time or two. Of course, I am super late in actually trying it but I had said I wouldn’t buy any new art supplies. Well…technically I didn’t buy a new art supply, I bought a concentrated cleaner. That counts right!?!? Anyway…Since not everyone on the planet has read about it I’ll tell you what I did. It is so simple and has such cool results.  A word of caution…this will be messy…protect your surfaces, hands and clothing.20101209_4757

First you take the CitroSolv concentrate full strength and pour a bit into a small container. I used a foam brush to apply it directly to the front and back of the National Geographic pages I wanted to use.  The more ink on the  pages the better. After slathering on the CitroSolv to as many pages as you’d like…close the magazine and walk away for about 20 mins or so. When you come back…put on a glove and start opening the pages…they will likely fall right from the magazine as the CitroSolv seems to un-glue the binding as well.20101209_4755

I hung my pages to dry with clothes pins overnight. I painted a few pages with CitroSolv before going to bed to see if the effect would be any different. The effect seemed a little more “muddy” to me rather than having the cool bubble effect. Still totally usable papers…just different. 20101209_4747These are some of my favorites but as you can see below…I ended up with a bunch of fun papers to play with.  20101209_4754

I pried myself away from weaving long enough to create a decorative cover for my completed journal.20150129_7400

I’ve been calling this my white journal since the dust jacket was white.


Just painting the outside white seemed a little too boring for me especially when you look at all the lovely colors peeking out from the edge.20150129_7404

Wrinkled and wonky pages…love them!!

white journal collage

Yesterday, while eating my lunch and perusing Pinterest, I spotted an image of branch weaving. I was so intrigued that I searched for more weaving projects. Not commercial, straight laced, follow a pattern type but nice flowing, organic weaving.  I really fell down the rabbit hole on this one. I had singular focus…must weave!

I came up with a plan to use the deckle part of my papermaking mold as a frame for a loom.  Thank goodness Mr. G had made me a really good quality piece from hardwood.

I strung it with kitchen string and set to work. Of course, I never read any instructions only to realize much later that I didn’t do the stringing properly.


Oh well…cross that bridge when we get there right?


I sat with my makeshift loom on my lap and winged it as I always seem to do.


This was how it looked when I was ready to remove it from the frame. weaving3

And the finished product…  I went and broke a branch off our crabapple tree then scraped it down a bit with a utility knife. I would have preferred driftwood but that is pretty hard to come by in January in Minnesota. Everything is frozen solid.


The colors made me think of the sea so adding shells and sea glass was the logical choice.


I can’t wait to start my next one!! At least I found another use for all the yarn I’ve been collecting lately.

At knitting on Tuesday, I learned a new pattern for a quick and easy scarf. I had some random yarn in my bag so I decided to give it a go.

quick knit scarf

The pattern is cast on 9 stitches. Knit 40 rows. Cast off. Then you cut 6 ft lengths of fringe…double over and thread thru the folded  knit piece effectively closing it into a loop. Wrap it around you neck and pull the long ends thru the knitted loop. Easy peasy…just think about your colors….

quick knit scarf

In my hands the 3 colored skeins of yarn looked really nice…and maybe as wide stripes it would have worked…

But all I see is BACON.  And now I bet you do too. :)

I’ll likely end up tearing this back apart and using the scraps for something else.  Oh well…at least I learned something.

I’m linking up once again with Elizabeth for T stands for Tuesdaylist tea

I spent the morning with my cup of coffee preparing a list for today.  Lots of errands. I worked a couple days last week so I feel a bit behind.

This morning as I was getting my knitting bag ready, I realized I have a problem… A big one. yarn problemI can’t stop myself from buying yarn at Goodwill!!! Yikes. I buy it WAY faster than I can use it.  At least, I can say that I AM using it.

What are doing today?


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