Baby Shower Gift

Last updated : February 28, 2016

My next door neighbors are expecting their first child so I decided to make them a diaper cake. I received one at the baby shower my co-workers threw for me and thought it was really a cute idea.
Her shower is today so I can finally show my creation. The wrapped package behind the cake is the second set of diapers that came in the jumbo box.

6 Thoughts on Baby Shower Gift
    12 Sep 2010

    This is so sweet!

    12 Sep 2010

    Oh how fun, so unique and beautiful.Debby

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    12 Sep 2010

    I made one of these once for a friend who was expecting her first. I swore I would never make another. I used two large boxes to make mine. I didn’t think I would ever get finished. It covered most of the table where the food was supposed to sit.

    Yours is adorable, and I bet your neighbor will love, love, love it.

    13 Sep 2010

    Awe…these always look amazing when they are done! X

    Lorraine @ creativedaily
    15 Sep 2010

    This is new to me – what a great idea! I can imagine this will be popular!

    17 Oct 2010

    Ah, now I see! I had visions of a sponge cake iced to look like nappies (diapers) and I was rather bemused!!!

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