Beyond the list

Last updated : April 10, 2016

sept cardsIf you joined me for T stands for Tuesday, you know that I had a list long enough to choke a horse. I usually do but I always try to allow for a little “playtime” each day as well.  I can’t say that it happens all the time but I am ever grateful when it does.

We have some occasions this month that are in need of greeting cards so I’ve been hard at work creating them for the events.

20130902_3343In addition, I’ve been making a bit of miniature terrain as well. While Mr. G was purging the office, I spied a few pieces that looked like they would work really well as gaming terrain.

These first three were….CD spindles. Did you guess right?

I thought they’d make good bunker or storage pieces.

20130901_3331Next came some molded Styrofoam packing pieces from a very ancient…in the computer world…CDROM drive. I looked at it an saw another bunker, nearly the same design as one you’d pay  upwards of $50 for. Crazy, right? So I cut it in half and glued it together….now I have two!

20130902_3342After adding some additional foam pieces and painting the whole works with a mix of gesso and black craft paint, I spray painted everything with my splatter technique.

I layer the colors of spray paint without letting it dry between coats.

I use a light hand with the color. It gives a rich depth of color…almost an airbrush effect.

I used 5 colors of spray paint on these pieces.20130902_3339 They were obtained from the recycle center and my folks place.

I know this is not my usual type of art but sometimes I get a very different crafty bent. This happens to be one of those weeks.

Hope I didn’t scare you off. :)

2 Thoughts on Beyond the list
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    6 Sep 2013

    Hey Halle, art is ART. Whether it’s a bunker or a frog looking for a princess, it’s all art. And I love how your mind thinks, too. Great recycle project.

    7 Sep 2013

    Your cards are great Halle and creativity surely has no boundaries…

    I think some people don’t realize how creative they are in day to day life

    Don’t wear out your finger with all that spraying ;)

    Happy Weekend to ya

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