Bowling anyone?

Last updated : April 10, 2016

20130701_2329I guess the owners of the lanes probably wouldn’t let me use this bowling ball anymore. I’ve had this in my head for a long time and finally found a bowling ball at a thrift store over winter. I had the stand leftover from a table top fountain that bit the dust years ago.


The little garden is really starting to come together. I just need a few more perennials with some color and I’ll be a happy camper.

The stepping stones were made at Mother’s Day when each of my kids were 2-ish. I love seeing their tiny little foot prints saved forever in the concrete.

They both hated the process but I’m glad I did it anyway. Neither remembers it, so it’s all good. :)

3 Thoughts on Bowling anyone?
    1 Jul 2013

    Beautiful bowling ball Halle! I have a small collection of those myself…I inherited a bunch of the smaller (can’t remember the name of them) balls and some were all swirly and too pretty to cover up … I bet you do treasure those little footprints for posterity … you only get a short window of time to do that sort of thing…good for you!

    Your garden is blooming pretty! oxo

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    1 Jul 2013

    One of the gals who used to be on ABC lived about 25 miles from me. I used to go to her house. she had the most awesome garden, with two ponds, chimineas, and lots of plants. She had three bowling balls she mosaiced. One she turned into a bubbler. Your bowling ball brought back tons of memories and the first time I ever saw an altered bowling ball. Wonderful job.

    Divers and Sundry
    2 Jul 2013

    i’m impressed with this bowling ball idea. this is something that might actually work for my little space.

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