This summer I have been so “not creative”. Yes, I have done a few things but they were more utilitarian that artsy. More on those in later post. I’ve missed it and I think a bit of that creative energy just had to come out.
I made 7 cards in short order mostly from scraps.
Hopefully the creative energy will continue…or at least kick in big time after Labor Day when the kids are back in school. Until then I’m still trying to soak up as much “mom time” as I can with them.
great cards and I love the fact that you used scraps!
Wow you got back on the horse nicely Halle!Your cards are all lovely…
I think it’s easy to forget that creativity crosses into all parts of our lives sometimes more tangible than others
Summers have a way of coming and going so quickly with kids…keep enjoying and making the most of it … September is right around the corner isn’t it :)oxo
Great cards!
Wonderful cards….they are all so free and expressive!
I love the cards – I think summer sometimes pushes creativity to the dark recesses of our minds- and pushes us outside to enjoy the weather. Summer is almost over- all too soon, and the creativity (and kids being back at school) will soon emerge for all of us!!!
These are fantastic cards. What a great way to come back in style. It seems like you dropped off the face of the earth this summer. I’m so glad to see you posting AND being creative, too. I sure miss you for tea.