BAH! It’s come around to T stands for Tuesday too quickly for me this week. Where does the time go??
Maybe its the plethora of things on my calendar lately.
Or perhaps the pain in my neck and shoulders is what has me out of sorts. I am getting better though. A couple trips to the chiropractor and some stretching exercises have been very helpful.
I had eluded to some changes that were possible on the horizon…it looks as if that is not to be right now. Perhaps that means I’m supposed to go in the direction I had been planning before this other opportunity presented itself. I know I’m being vague but until things are set in stone, I feel like I can’t say much more than that.
I attended Craftclub next door last Thursday and made 6 new cards, saw a couple cool techniques and had a yummy pink frosted cupcake.
Why is a pink frosted cupcake significant you ask? Don’t you just love it when I put words in your mouth? Well, that is how we found out that one of our crafters is expecting a baby girl at New Years. FUN!
I’ve been having a mini love affair with flowers lately. It seems most things I do have them.
I once again have to apologize for not getting around to everyone…or truthfully…hardly anyone last week. Tuesday came and went in the blink of my eye and the rest of the week was crazy as well. By the weekend I did have little bit of time but honestly I just didn’t have the energy to visit.
I’m off to knitting and a couple errands. My usual Tuesday gigs.
I’ll be back in plenty of time for visiting today.
What are you doing today?