Category : Blog

1716 posts


BAH! It’s come around to T stands for Tuesday too quickly for me this week. Where does the time go??

Maybe its the plethora of things on my calendar lately.

Or perhaps the pain in my neck and shoulders is what has me out of sorts. I am getting better though. A couple trips to the chiropractor and some stretching exercises have been very helpful.

20130922_3457I had eluded to some changes that were possible on the horizon…it looks as if that is not to be right now. Perhaps that means I’m supposed to go in the direction I had been planning before this other opportunity presented itself. I know I’m being vague but until things are set in stone, I feel like I can’t say much more than that.

20130922_3458 20130922_3452 20130922_3453 20130922_3454 20130922_3456I attended Craftclub next door last Thursday and made 6 new cards,  saw a couple cool techniques and had a yummy pink frosted cupcake.

Why is a pink frosted cupcake significant you ask?  Don’t you just love it when I put words in your mouth?  Well, that is how we found out that one of our crafters is expecting a baby girl at New Years. FUN!

I’ve been having a mini love affair with flowers lately. It seems most things I do have them.

I once again have to apologize for not getting around to everyone…or truthfully…hardly anyone last week.  Tuesday came and went in the blink of my eye and the rest of the week was crazy as well. By the weekend I did have little bit of time but honestly I just didn’t have the energy to visit.

I’m off to knitting and a couple errands. My usual Tuesday gigs.

I’ll be back in plenty of time for visiting today.

What are you doing today?

You may recall that I showed this sneak peek of a project that looked pretty much like a pile of rags. Well…not quite.

upcycled shirtI was inspired by a friend who sent me a link to this upcycled t-shirt scarf after making one for her daughter. It’s a quick and simple no-sew project.

20130916_3418 The boy had just outgrown yet another shirt, so it was perfect timing.


The shirt I used had seams on both sides. The tutorial didn’t allow for this. I decided to take extra bits of shirt and tie a knot to cover each seam that was exposed.


Next time I’ll use an adult size shirt to make the loops longer that way it won’t be as tight when doubled up.



Some days I have trouble labeling myself as an artist. I find it super easy to call myself a wife, mother and blogger…but artist, I struggle with.



artist quote


This quote makes me me realize that I can embrace myself as an artist after all.

Now if my neck and shoulders would play nicely. I’ve been in pain since Friday afternoon when apparently I moved in some way that my body disagreed with.

Looking down at the keyboard is very painful. Yes, I still occasionally look down when I type. I think mostly out of habit…but it hurts!!!

Chiropractor in the morning…hoping that will set me right.


take timeThis page is many days old. I’m not thrilled with the page itself but the words are resonating with me this week.

There may be ch-ch-changes on the horizon. More on that at a later time.

Hope your days are filled with the little things.

If you’ve read my blog much, you know that I’m all over the place when it comes to arts and crafts.  So for today’s T stands for Tuesday post, hosted by Elizabeth, you’re going to go on a whirlwind ride with me. What is scary is that I’ll be showing you how my brain works. You may not want to know.

Before we get started I have to say THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes for my mom. We had a nice day out together.

early morning coffeeThis morning started at 5:30am as usual. By 5:45, coffee is made and the first of 3 lunches are packed. I have 5 mins left before I wake Big J to start his morning routine. Now fast forward about 2.5 hours and I have the house to myself.  Well, Gracie is still here but she’s having a sleepover with her friends.

So what do I do with my time beyond the list that never seems to end?

cork crazy

For one, I play with corks. These are going to be a new item on my table at the an up coming craft sale.

senior pictures

I’ve been editing senior pictures for the neighbor.

bunker front

battle damage

I finished the miniature terrain pieces I’ve been working on, complete with with simulated battle damage. Did I not tell you that you might be frightened of how my mind works?

upcycled shirt

And what’s this? A pile of rags? Nope…you’ll find out about that one in a later post.

And now I must move on with my crazy day…filled with paperwork, friends, knitting, groceries, ortho appt. and lets not forget the ever growing list.

I also wanted to mention especially to my fellow T stands for Tuesday friends that I am no longer able to answer each of your comments as I had in the past. I just don’t have the time but I wanted you to know that I read and enjoy every single word.

I may be late visiting your blog but I’ll get there ladies!

What are you doing today?


soap blocks barsI was able to remove the blocks or loaves of soap from the molds today.

The oatmeal topped one smells so good!!

I cut them into bars and set them to cure for the next month.

I have to say that they already felt “soap-like”.

The next thing I need is a better way to cut the blocks into bars to get a more even, consistent bar. They are all approx the same weight but they are definitely not even.

Can’t wait to do the next batch! I have to make room in the storage room before I do more. Space…it always seems to be an issue.


The garage is finally a comfortable temperature again so I got my soap making supplies out and made two batches this morning. The first was an unscented batch that I felt comfortable making again as it turned out well the first time around.  soap

Next I decided to branch out a bit with new recipe, fragrance and an inclusion. I’d observed this soap being made by my friend Patty so I had a clue before starting.

The inclusion is oatmeal ground in my coffee grinder. I sprinkled a few oats on top of the mold so I’d be able to tell the two batches apart very soap moldseasily.  The oatmeal acts as a wonderful exfoliant and general grime fighter.

The molds are tucked away in the storage room waiting to be released from the molds in 24 hrs or so. I lifted the wool blanket a wee to show you the two batches. There was a lot of heat under there.



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