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I’ve been working on loom knitting again. I have an order for 10 dishcloths and am expecting I’ll be getting a few more orders real soon. I decided to use some of my scraps of yarn to give some visual interest to these cloths.  Waste not, want not.

As long as I was thinking scrappy…

 I put together the first in a series of journals. The cover is a print of one of my kaleidoscopes. I believe this one started as a rose.

I love the look of all the different papers. It’s up to the recipient to decide how to use them.



Just trying to claw my way back to the functional world again. 
Isn’t it amazing how strong yet fragile we are as humans. Something microscopic can take us out of commission for days.

I’ve had a “flu-like” virus. 
The kind that makes you feel like a wet noodle. The kind that makes the 10 step walk to the bathroom and back to bed seem like a 10 mile hike.  

Mr. G  stayed home from work to look after me when my fever was 103°F.  He also made me Jell-O when I mentioned that it sounded good. That may not sound like a big deal to you but it certainly was to me. As the kids would say, “Dad is not a cooker“.  Makes me smile.


While cleaning out my closet this week, I discovered this chartreuse t-shirt. It was destined to be donated  since I just couldn’t get used to the color on me.
I had seen a tutorial on Pinterest for a fringed t-shirt scarf so I figure…why not try it.

So back to my project. I cut the shirt below the arms then cut fringe about half way up the shirt.
I then tugged on each fringe until it stretched nicely giving it nice texture and movement.
And the completed scarf…
I think I can handle a splash of chartreuse much better than a whole shirt of it.
Sorry that each of my photos are a different hue. The actual color is somewhere in between this photo and the previous one.  Bad photo day for me and Photoshop can only do so much.

After setting up my table at our local Curves on Friday evening, I felt a little sense of relief. 

The picture looks a bit odd because of one of the exercise machines behind my space.
Anyway…in the morning I made a few adjustments. 
No time for photos then. 
There was a steady stream of customers throughout the day.
It was a fun day…lots of time spent with great women as well as a wonderful learning experience for me. And I’m not going to lie, having a lit bit of cash at the end of the day is pretty sweet.

I absolutely love the first snow falling for the season…whether it “sticks” or not. 
It tells me that winter is on it’s way. 
Spoken by a native Minnesotan 
and 100% Norwegian-American.


I’ve been in non-stop arts and crafts mode in preparation for this Saturday’s craft sale. 
Haven’t taken a moment to clean up 
Yes, that is my clothes dryer…
Don’t judge me, the height is perfect for a workstation
I’m both nervous and excited.
So much so that I’m having 
those dreams….
you know the ones…
like the one when you’re on your way to take a final the determines if you graduate 
and you can’t find the way… 
or you forgot to study…. 
or you get there 5 minutes before the test is over.

I’m planning to do a test setup of my table display and make sure I have all my ducks in a row tomorrow.



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