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Week 2 of the Postcard Challenge and our country is Spain! 
Thadeus is sending his first postcard to Maggie.
I cheated a bit with this card and simply printed it off and glued it down. 
I fell in love with the texture applied to the image. The only thing I added was a little gold ink on the corners.
Keeping the writing style different between these two characters was something that I wondered if I’d be able to accomplish since I have a very distinctive handwriting.  
I was given the hint of writing with my non-dominant hand. 
Tried it…was barely readable. 
I decided to hold my pen in a completely odd way and came up with Thadeus’ style while Maggie will remain my own hand. Good thing postcards are small because I was getting a cramp!!

I’m attacking some paperwork today at my desk while I have my tea. Not too exciting but one of those necessary evils in life. Hopefully I can be quick about it so I can go be creative this afternoon!
Stop by Kimmies for more interesting Tea Tuesday posts than mine this week. :)

Yesterday, I sat down with my idea book and planned out my story. 
I have my characters names, addresses, professions and a rough outline of how I intend for the book of postcards to come together.  
Of course, this morning I had a few different ideas about the eventual book will unfold but that’s ok. 

The first week’s country was Austria.  I decided to use a countryside setting for my postcard.  
Pretty simple watercolor painting. Hopefully my skill will improve over time. 

On the back Maggie writes her first note to Thadeus.
I didn’t have any stamps from Austria nor did I take the time to download any collage sheets. 
I took a National Wildlife Federation sticker and cut it down to serve as my stamp. 
Works for me.

Yesterday, I discovered an awesome challenge.  The Postcard Challenge is the brainchild of Darcy of Art and Sole. I stumbled upon her blog through another…love how that works here in blogland.

I love postcards!! So this challenge spoke to me right away. 
I have a large collection of unsent, vintage postcards not to mention a couple books filled with ones I have swapped on Swapbot and privately. 
For the most part I’ll be making my own postcards for correspondence between the two characters I’ve created but if the country that is choosen for the week happens to be one I have in my vintage collection, I’ll be using that instead. 
Can’t wait to get started!! 
I’m officially a week behind but I know I’ll catch up quickly. 
The first country is Austria…


I’ve started out the year by working on some more miniature terrain.
Nobody is actually using it for wargames at our house but I love creating it anyway.
Making something out of nothing but leftover bits.



See how this project started out…
Nothing but junk that was saved from the landfill. Yes, I know some of it could have been sent to the recycle center but this was much more satisfying.
Since we’re running out of room to store the terrain that I keep dreaming up..I’m thinking that I’m going to give selling it a try. So, if you know any nerdy people out there…send them my way. :)

I decided on my word for the year…
Drum roll please….  **REDUCE**
This one word will play many roles throughout the year.
  • I’d like to reduce the chemical load in our home even more.
  • Reduce the amount of stuff in our home.
  • I’m going to reduce the amount of purchases we make so that will reduce our monthly bills.
  • Continuing to reduce my waistline and other parts is super high on my list.
  • By making bulk purchases, being aware of packaging and buying local, I will reduce the impact we have on the environment.
  • I want to reduce the amount of trash we produce even more this year.
  • I’m going to reduce the vast quantity of art supplies I have stashed by being creative more often.
I wish you the best in 2012!

As this year comes to a close, I wanted to say thank you to all of you for continuing to stop by and read my ramblings. And a special thank you to those who have taken the time to leave a comment for time to time.
It really means a lot to me.»-(¯`v´¯)-»   THANK YOU   »-(¯`v´¯)-»

I also I felt was time to check up on my goals for last year and see how I did.
Shall we take a look….?

 I got better towards the second half of the year about listing items. I think I’m in a better routine now.
  • Finish our vacation scrapbook
I haven’t finished the scrapbook version yet but I did make a photo book through Shutterfly.
  • knit or crochet one project using proper directions (something I really struggle with)
YES! I ‘ve crocheted a couple twirly scarves with this pattern. I should dig that pattern back out and whip up a few more.
  • Improve my photography skill
This one is not very measurable but I do think I’ve improved. My neighbor even used one of my photos as her son’s senior yearbook picture. Hey, does that make me a published photographer??!! HA!
  • return to our healthy eating regimen
We go back and forth with this one. Although Mr. G and I talked about the changes we’d like to make with our lifestyle after the New Year. I’m sure with both of us fully on board, we’ll do well.  
  • workout 3 times a week
I’m doing really good with this one now…after a long summer of not going to workout at all.
  • weekly family board game night with full media blackout
We were really good until it got nice outside. Then we forgot about playing a game and got out of the habit. We’re picking up where we left off.  New games from Christmas will help keep us going! 
  • keep a journal
I’ve been very sporadic about this one as far as a handwritten journal goes. I’m just not good at it. I  do feel like my blog is part of my journal keeping though…just not the personal stuff.
So over all…not too shabby for goal keeping. I’ll have to give some thought to this years goals.
Maybe I’ll even try a theme word for the year…ala Ali Edwards.
Stay safe and have a Happy New Year!


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