Category : Blog

1716 posts

{one} how many times have you been a bridesmaid/maid of honor?

I was a junior bridesmaid when I was 8, if that counts.

{two} what’s the last thing your do before you fall asleep at night?

Usually read or watch a little tv.

{three} you just won your dream vacation, all expenses paid. where are you going?

Somewhere tropical, secluded with a spa.

{four} what is your favorite outdoor activity?

I love hiking, especially around Lake Superior but we don’t do that often.  

Going for walks around here is always pleasant.

{five} as a child, what did you want to “be when you grew up”? did you end up there?

I always wanted to be a mom…and I am. I’m lucky to be at home full-time. 

My parents had “higher aspirations ” for me….’be a doctor like you uncle and grandpa.’  

That was their dream…not mine.

{six} what are 3 things your dream home would have that you don’t currently have?

A craft room/studio, 3 car garage and a mudroom.

{seven} what’s for dinner tonight?


{eight} if someone stopped by your house unannounced on a typical Saturday night, what would they find you doing?

Either on our deck or watching a movie on DVD…weather dependent.

{nine} what’s your average monthly water bill?

About $27 nine months of the year. During summer it’s close to $40 when we water the lawn.

{ten} what do you do to relax?

Talk on the phone, read or make art

…with iced coffee….and then about a gallon of water.

It’s a hot one today!

I had to get out there and get the massively overgrown bushes trimmed this morning before it gets really hot and humid later. Although, it was plenty hot already when I came in. YUCK!

Stop by Kimmie’s for the full list of Tea Tuesday participants.

So earlier this busy week when I picked up the girl from school, her teacher sent along this sweet gift.

The caption at the top reads:
Thanks for helping us grow.

How sweet is that! The pot was signed by all 27 kids in the class just for helping out on library day throughout the year!
I love it!!

Since there seems to be some goofy issue with the embedded comment form, I’m temporally changing back to the old pop-up form. Don’t be alarmed…I did this on purpose. I miss hearing from you…

Had to take a little break and check out how the garden fared after the high winds from last night. It’s still super windy!! Seems as if it’s either raining or windy these days.

The chicken wire is to try to discourage the squirrels from digging in the garden box. I found a black walnut that was beginning to sprout in there. I’m sure they are looking for more buried treasures. Little pests.

Also check out the beginnings of another small garden.  We still need to put up fencing…both the chicken wire kind and the tall kind. There are bunnies that live under the shed so we have to keep the from getting into the all-you-can-eat smorgasbord. The tall fencing is to keep the deer at bay.

Stop by Kimmies for the list of Tea Tuesday players.

I can not take any sort of credit for this box…none at all. Yes, I did technically make it but I used Kimmie’s instructions to create it. 
I decided I needed something to hold notepaper. The kids keep taking my notepads but for some reason they only seem to like blank papers.
Since the end of the school year is rapidly approaching, I’m starting to clear out all those saved papers. Spelling tests, one sided worksheets, junk mail get the picture. A seemingly endless supply of paper. I might as well write notes on them before they hit the recycle bin.

{one} what’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Sadie Hawkins dance…my friends told me to call a friend of their boyfriends so we could triple date. Blind date for Sadie Hawkins….UGH! He was 14…I was 16…embarrassing at the time.

{two} if you could be any other person for one day, who would it be?

Wow…this is hard! I think I’d like to be Lindsey Vonn. 
I’d love to ski sometime…something I can’t do and would really like to do, 
plus she’s very athletic and likely looks awesome in any old thing she throws on.

{three} what is your favorite kind of cheese?


{four} do you remember your 1st grade teacher?

Oh my goodness..I was just talking about my 1st grade teacher today! Mrs. Sloe…

or maybe is it Miss Sloe. She was pretty young.

{five} who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?

Sandy…she’s always there to lend an ear

{six} were you ever in a school talent show?

Nope…I’m Norwegian…my part of that tree is artsy not rhythmic.

{seven} who is your favorite fictional character?

Jack Sparrow as portrayed by Johnny Depp

{eight} can you open your eyes underwater?

I can’t see either way so there’s no point.

{nine} do you look at the keyboard when you type?

I do a mix…glancing back and forth

{ten} when was the last time you took a nap?

A couple weeks ago. Had gotten about 4 hours of sleep total in two nights. 

Slept for a couple hours…it was glorious!


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