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I had intended this to be a fun project for the kids and I to do together. They liked ripping up the junk mail but as soon as I started blending the bits into pulp they both got grossed out. They wouldn’t hardly come near the dish pan that held the pulp. So it ended up being entirely my project while they played.

When the paper was nearly dry when I decided I didn’t really care for the color of them. I sprayed them with a little more water then got out some walnut ink…still not satisfied I got out my kids watercolor paints and made squiggles, dots, splatters and lines all over them.

I still don’t know if I’m excited about the end result mainly because I had an idea of what I was going to use them for but the wild colors won’t really go with the vintage appearance of the box I painted.

I’ll likely make some more paper with different colors that will match the painted box better and use these for something entirely different.

I heard back from a publisher that the bracelet I submitted will be published!! I’m thrilled! Ecstatic! Overjoyed! I could go on and on… I wish I was given a time frame on a publishing date but unfortunately was not. I sent the actual bracelet off to be photographed by the publishing house yesterday.

OK..back to my reality…housework, hubby, kids…and always a little time for art!! :)

I found out that the book will be published May 2008…seems like a long time from now but I’m sure it will be worth the wait!

Other thought on my paradise. Peace and quiet, kickin’ back with cocktail in hand.

This is my first post for Illustration Friday. Being near the mountains makes me so happy…can’t wait for my next visit. Medium is watercolor painting on cardstock adhered to a CD.
I’ve always admired Marci Senders ability to come up with an image for the theme each week finally decided to give it a shot myself.

Second thought on my paradise.

Free printables from Ten Two Studios for Fathers Day.


I’ve been working on some different digital designs for a project. The pink one made really nice copies so I’m definitely using that one. The dark one copied ok but didn’t like it once it was on the cardstock. I’ve been putting other embellishments on it trying to get the look I want but am still not satisfied. I REALLY wanted the white set to copy but the subtle background texture didn’t show.

I’ve been busy messing up my nice clean and organized art zone.

First I made this clock for my Mario Bros. obsessed son. He was so funny when I gave it to him…he smiled so big and then did a fake pass out to show his glee.

My next project was a new address book. Our old one was your basic boring black faux leather. I found a REALLY ugly binder at a garage sale that would fit the bill as soon as I spruced it up a bit. Now I can keep my book out on the counter instead of buried in the drawer.


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