Well T stands for Tuesday friends…here’s a page dedicated to all of you.
I am totally loving this page…basically because the words fell into my lap as I was looking at my teapot and cup rubber stamps.
I didn’t use a filter on the photo and couldn’t figure out why my photos were turning out so soft. Then I got the bright idea…hey…how about I wipe down the lens on my phone camera. It might have a bit of smutz on it. Evidently finger prints, dust and other junk make a nice filter if you want that soft sort of look.
Linking up with AJJ for 101 ways to keep warm theme as well.
See….all clean…and truth be told…different lighting. I’m finding that taking photos in natural light when you get at or after dark is difficult. Hmmm…will have to work on that conundrum.
This is where I’d typically share my photo a day collage. Unfortunately, I’m quite behind. The cold, I’d been fighting, won. I ended up staying home from work on Friday. Totally lost my voice for 3 days, much to the amusement of my family. I am on antibiotics, starting to sound less like a pubescent boy and was able to return to work for my very short week (two days) due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.
I had posted this photo on Instagram at the beginning of the month…totally unrelated to the photo a day….saying “run turkeys run” since they’d be on the menu soon.What I think is so funny is that this was taken in an industrial complex adjacent to Paisley Park. Although, I must admit, that there is still a lot of preserved land around the area. Thank goodness.
This week is filled with family time, food and fun.