For this Labor Day, we hosted a gathering to celebrate my father-in-law’s birthday. Of course there was more than plenty of food, wine and dessert. I have a hard time scaling back the menu.
I didn’t remember to nab a photo of the before…only this small after shot of empty wine glasses so I could keep up appearance here with T stands for Tuesday. I won’t scare you with the rest of the dirty dishes. I love hosting…I just wish there were fairies or elves that would clean up while I slept.
Anyway, back to the celebration. My FIL and I have a long standing joke that gets played out each year on his birthday. He made fun of me taking photos of “weeds” during some downtime at one of Big J’s lacrosse games several years ago. I said they were wildflowers but he saw weeds. So in response to his teasing, each year I give him a handmade card with a photo of a weed on it for his birthday.
Mr. G helped me with the words this year.
OH how we love puns.
I’ll be mowing today…hopefully pop by knitting and *fingers crossed* receive a very important phone call. More on that one next week.
What are you doing today?
PS….mom’s cataract surgery went well! She got a bit mixed up with the drops the first day but I made her a new chart which made things much easier for her. She’s had two follow-up appts and she can now see 20/40 with no glasses and passed her drivers license eye test with flying colors.