Yep I’m still around. I took a very long break from blogging or even exploring other blogs. It was not intentional, it just became the norm after a while. I could go into dozens of reasons or excuses that could explain but who really wants to hear another person complain or justify something.
I have been flexing my creative muscles a little bit. A few journal pages, handmade journals, sewing projects, and prep for upcoming projects…maybe?!?
A page in my wonky junky journal.
A bit a scrap busting making a master board.
A bit of contemplation on a personal ephemera journal that really needs to get completed before I forget the when, who and why of the items.
A travel journal from before COVID to finish.
And a bit more scrap busting while watching tv. I don’t often watch much tv but when I do I try to justify it by doing something else while watching. Yup…sad but true.
I have been keeping my word of the year in mind. Taking a moment to treasure the little things…not take them for granted. Treasure time laughing with friends…its good for you.
The depth of the word I chose this year is coming to light. I’m reaching the age where sickness and loss are more prevalent in my circle. It’s a great reminder in the midst of grief and sadness to remember those treasured memories and pause daily to treasure the now.
How’s that for a somber thought. Again this may be a reason I have paused my posting. I find myself very gloomy when I write…and who wants to read that!
School keeps me busy exhausted most days. We recently reached our 100th day. Not something usually acknowledged at the middle school level but we’ll take any reason to celebrate that we can.
Yesterday was Presidents Day so I had the day off. I used it to get my house clean. Not the most fun task but it was so good to get everything done all in the same day.
Marvin kept me company until he felt a bit of a chill and decided to lay on the heating vent. So much for washing the floor right then. It likely was on purpose…he hates it when I mop…his paws get wet.
I found this really funny this morning. I was making my breakfast as I always do before leaving for work. I cracked my eggs and came up with a double yoke on 2/22/22. Must be my lucky day. Maybe it was…we got a two hour early release due to a winter storm.
You’ll just have to imagine my cup of coffee on the side of my eggs and toast.