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Hello, hello!  I finally made it for T stands for Tuesday! I’ve been MIA here in blogland lately but hopefully things are settling down and I can get back into my routine.        Create–>photo—>blog. 20140909_6923

I found this mug at a garage sale last week. There were actually two but I only took the one. Why the significance? We got married in the Canterbury Wedding Chapel inside the Excalibur Hotel a little over 20 yrs ago. We also attended the Fantasy Faire show while there. I just couldn’t pass up the mug.

On to the harvest….20140909_6921

Most of the tomatoes came from the plants I have in the ground at my in-laws house. My garden is really poor this year. Between the deer eating the tops off my beans and the squirrels snacking on the tomatoes…it’s been a little disheartening.20140909_6922I’m planning to make a spicy jam with these little babies.  We’ll see how that turns out.

Otherwise…I have been crafting some. Listing cards in my etsy store, getting an inventory built for the craft season and finding more ways to upcycle.  I’ve found that my back bothers me when I sit at my computer so I’ve been trying to stay away from it…besides I get more accomplished when not lost in cyberspace. :)

I’ve got some shopping and outside chores on my list today. The weather is supposed to turn colder tomorrow so I better get it it!!

What are you doing today?

This color combo is one of my all time favorites. 20140830_6872The polka dots add a vintage feel to it.20140830_6874

I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment from this Dove wrapper.

Good morning! Welcome to T stands for Tuesday!T stands for Tuesday_200

I missed last week but I’m back and ready to show you another journal page. Art journals seem to be my major creative outlet these days.

play it cool

I got a little crazy with the colors on this one. Wild and messy yet soft and subtle. Really I threw every I had at hand at this one. Painted then torn book pages, washi tape, India ink and even an envelope seal sticker. Then I found the words…play it cool close up

It fit my mood. I was creating in a chaotic manner…freeing my mind.  The words made me think of being a teen and goofing around…then all of a sudden an authority figure comes into view. Play it cool… Or was that just me? *grin*

Speaking of playing it cool…

poolWe were lucky to have one last dip in the neighbors pool before school starts next Tuesday! Sunday was a hot and sticky day…perfect for some splashing and an adult beverage.

Errands and laundry are on my list for the day… What are you doing today?

The words appeared for this page and I fell in love. The streaks of grey give the illusion of objects falling. The heart was already on the page. Love it when things work out like that!20140822_6828

I’m also loving the font of the book I’ve been using to find text. It’s a children’s or maybe a tween novel called Ghost in the Machine Ryan’s Journal.

Feels good to be creating again.


As Labor Day approaches, so does the start of school. We are attempting to ring out every last bit of enjoyment and family time as possible in addition to orientations, job hunting, checkups, back to school shopping and the rest of the usual business. We’ve been creating memories…not art.

Although I did do a little bit of art journalling this week. I was catching up on laundry from a weekend away had me in my art space quite a bit.20140822_6829

My heART journal seemed to need some attention.  I’m still at the bright tones of summer but I’m sure soon I’ll shift along with the season. I’ve already seen several maple trees turning and dropping leaves. 20140822_6830

The little scrap about the mystery of time seemed to fit my thoughts of late… It’s funny how time is a constant but depending on the situation it can feel as if the hands on the clock are slowing down or traveling at warp speed.

After going through closets I discovered tons of t-shirts that could no longer be worn. Since I already have a huge stack of rags I decided to put on my thinking cap and come up with another idea.tug toy collage

Doggie tug toys…chewies or whatever you’d like to call them.  You may or may not know this but the pet supply industry is booming. People love their furry companions…they are family.  Now we may not have a dog as a pet, though Gracie tries her best to imitate one at times. tug toys

I’ve managed to make a pretty good stock pile of them for the holiday craft sale season.

T stands for Tuesday_200Good morning and welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday. Our hostess with the mostess, Elizabeth (along with her furry companion Bleubeard) is not a stickler for any sort of rules…she asks that we share a virtual beverage of your choice and whatever else you’d like to share for the week.

horse cup

As I sat in the quiet this morning with my coffee I was thinking about all the changes that will be happening for the kids in a couple weeks. Both into new schools…High school and Middle school. I’m no longer an Elementary school parent. Then I look over at my coffee and see Playmobil horses and realize that they really are still just kids. Don’t grow up too fast…


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