Category : Blog

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Hello…I’m back for T stands for Tuesday. Did you miss me?20140519_4885I took last week off to attend Little J’s all-district track meet. She did awesome! First place in her school for girls 100m run and her relay team finished a good 3 seconds before anyone else in their heat. She was the anchor, so this photo appears that she is running unopposed. What a great way to finish off her elementary school years! The meet brings together all 7 elementary schools in the district at one of the high schools…too bad it wasn’t the one she’ll be attending since that would be cool at that age. 20140513_4812If you look at the way the adults at the finish line are dressed, you’ll get an idea of the temperature that day. Real feel of 39°F.

Anyway…I named this post gardening edition…so where the heck is the gardening?!?20140520_4894Here we have my tiny seedlings waiting to be strong enough to live outside. Notice the plastic barrier I had to erect around them…I’m sure you can guess who that is for.

Mr. G and I worked outside most of Sunday prepping the garden.20140518_4858He built a gate for me this year so I no longer have to climb over the fencing. 20140518_4859The beans are planted…tomato cages are ready and the flags are blowing in the breeze both for decoration and deer deterrent. 20140518_4857My deck box garden is also ready for planting…my cherry tomato plants and cucumbers will live here.

And where was Miss Gracie…20140518_4877Running from door to door begging to come out. Nope. Not going to happen. Not since she chased that squirrel up a tree. Too strong of hunting instincts for that one.

Lots of things on the list today ending with an evening choir concert, so I better get at it!

What are you doing today?

I’ve been at it again. Sewing bits and pieces together. This time I broke out some colored card stock for inspiration.20140516_4853 20140516_4854I added sentiments to this batch. I don’t seem to be running out out scraps any time soon so I’m sure there will be more.

These are my favorites…20140516_4842 20140516_4846 20140516_4848 20140516_4851

I knew it would happen at some point. That I’d fall behind with this project. I am catching up though. 20140514_4814

I completed my April calendar in a timely manner…really, I did.20140514_4816May I had completely forgotten about until yesterday…so I got it done. It’s now ready to get filled in with all the fun things that I’ve been doing so far this month.

I do believe I have finally fixed the issue with my email subscription form here on the blog. I’ve heard from so many of you that it hasn’t ever worked even though on my end it appeared to work.

Now is when I need your help. If you are one of those people that tried to subscribe by email in the past…please try again and let me know if its working for you. If the subscription was successful and you actually receive notice when I post something new.

Thank you so much for your help and continuing to visit my blog.

<3 Halle

I’ve been drinking WAY to much coffee lately. Not that I make a second pot at home for myself but I’ve been out and about and the coffee seems to be free-flowing.  Jitters…shakes…good thing I wasn’t doing any fine motor things because I would have gotten a big old F in any of those.

The bonus to my coffee excess is that it got me thinking about an altered book I started many years ago. Seriously…years…ago….coffeeThis is by far my favorite page in this AB so far. The others all seem forced in comparison.  I likely shouldn’t compare since I’ve really grown as an artist in the years since I started this project but it’s hard not to self-criticize.

The ad is from an old cookbook I tore apart. I love that it’s a little piece of history.

Welcome to another edition of T stands for edition

I’m back from a whirlwind weekend of fun with my favorite girl. Little J and I were on a Mother/Daughter retreat with a bunch of friends up in northern MN. Unlike last year, the weather cooperated this year and no one got sick! Hooray!

We did lots of outdoor activities such as horse back riding.trail rideLittle J conquered her fear of heights on several stations at the high ropes course.

20140503_4746In addition there were crafts…sign craft

including the leather shop…leather shop leather practice

These are just her practice pieces…she must have taken the finished product to school.

lakeWe were all surprised that the ice was out on the lake this year after the brutally cold winter we experienced. Last year, this same weekend, it was still completely covered in ice.

I’m still working thru the piles of laundry that seem to come with traveling. Hopefully I’ll get my creativity back in gear then.

What are you doing today?

I picked up more art supplies at the thrift store recently. You wouldn’t believe how many rubber stamps they had. I’m trying to cut back myself but I just couldn’t pass up a few…especially since I had a 25% off coupon for the day.20140424_4633 I’ve already pulled the scrapbook paper off the canvas and have it ready for a painting of my own. I’m looking forward to playing with the bright colored embossing powder with the idea that’s bouncing around in my head…we’ll see if it turns out like I’m thinking. 20140424_4634I also picked up these paper craft magazines for inspiration. Mostly card making but color can be very inspirational as well. Seeing a card put together even if you don’t like the images themselves can still inspire.

Happy crafting…


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