Category : Creativity

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For the second piece in my “I’ve got a notion” series, I went with a vintage feel using elements from the sewing room.

The background is the instruction page from a pattern set. The vintage paper has such a lovely color.

I used a label rubber stamp around a spool image from a dictionary to add a notion.  I like to use this technique to harvest images from old book pages.

The printed papers are my own digital creations. I haven’t played much with that technique lately. I did take a USB thumb drive to Kinkos and have a few pages laser printed a couple years ago just to see how they’d turn out. The rose paper is one of those.

I added the lace down the side because who doesn’t love roses and lace. Once again butterflies are appearing in my art.

I hope you’ll join in with me for “I’ve got a notion” over at Art Journal Journey sometime this month.

Welcome everyone! I’m thrilled to be hosting this month over at Art Journal Journey!

“I’ve got a notion”

I chose a very tongue-in-cheek theme that has a wide variety of ways to fulfill the challenge.

This piece uses a number of sewing themed items as well as machine stitching.

Don’t let the word “notion” trip you up. It’s really more sewing themed with a puny title. I love a good pun!

I added a little pocket to hold a tag with a quote that resonated with me.

I’m looking forward to seeing how others interpret my theme of “I’ve got a notion”.

Head on over to Art Journal Journey and join the fun!


I’ve come to realize lately that I’m really drawn to butterflies. Not sure what it is but they are showing up everywhere for me.

I’ve been enjoying playing with paper again. I really makes me happy!

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for What makes you happy.


It’s been a hot minute since I’ve used my creative side. I’ve got a project scheduled for July, so I need to get my hands dirty and make some things! How’s that for a teaser…

While cleaning up my creative space, I found an incomplete 7×7 scrapbook album that I’d totally forgotten about. It works perfectly for loose leaf/ stand alone journal pages which happen to be a favorite of mine.

Instead of continuing to clean my space I had a little side quest and made this journal page.  It felt so amazing to have gluey, painty fingers again!

I am a prolific list maker and idea jotter. I am constantly grabbing a sheet of notebook paper to quickly write my ideas. It gets a bit chaotic with some many pages of half crossed lists laying about. I started thinking that if I could have a smallish notebook with me that I could keep everything in one place.

This idea, like so many others, has been rattling around in my head for a while. Lately I was inspired by an image of a stack of small pamphlet stitched notebooks on Pinterest. That in combination with a Readers Digest Condensed book cover I had in my stash and thinking of the function of a travelers notebook I put the three together to create my own version to better suit my needs.

As I said before, I constantly have papers to jot ideas or work things out visually. Such as this drawing on how I wanted the elastics to work in the spine. Originally I was going to have 3 signatures to my book but after drawing it out I realized that I’d need 4 to have the elastics at the same end of the book.

I used my new book cradle to assist in the binding process. 

Mr. G 3D printed and assembled this very sturdy tool for my bookmaking. In the past I’d used an old phonebook for this process with very mixed results.

This book cradle makes it a breeze to accurately make holes in the spine with an awl. The results are perfect.

I added a but of reinforcement to the spine of my gutted Readers Digest Condensed book.

Then used eyelets to reinforce the holes for the elastic cording.

A bit of lace covered the unsightly bits quite nicely. All that was left was assembly.  And the glamor shots.

Anyone remember Glamor Shots at the mall circa 1990s? Oh yeah… I have some cringe worthy photos from that place. Faux fur stole and white gloves…geesh. Sorry…ADHD squirrel moment!

The glamor shots…

Technically these aren’t super long ago… but a couple months old. Honestly, with the way this winter is dragging on and on it still feels a bit like January-February. It’s all just a cold white blur.

My wonky junky journal is getting super thick. I’m on the last signature and am trying to be a bit more aware of the thickness of embellishments I am using. 

I hadn’t realized that I never posted any of these pages. Thankfully I was looking through the folders on my laptop and discovered my error.

I love the colors in this one. I was certainly wishing for warmer days when I created this one.

This page has hidden journaling about my baby girl turning 20! What in the world…that just isn’t possible.

Again with this page I am wishing for springtime. How foolish I was to think it was coming anytime soon.

I used a scrap of fabric to make a little fabric flip to hide a bit of journaling.

When I finished this page I realized that my date stamp ended with 2022. I had to improvise. Since then I ordered this new date stamp. My problem is solved until 2032.

I always like to have a little something to give to friends… usually it’s handmade…what else would you expect from me.

Mini-me brought home a large spool of kitchen twine that she had used in an art installation last year. I wasn’t sure how we were ever going to get through all the yardage until I started making these cute gnome ornaments.

I was inspired by a Pinterest video.

I wrapped the kitchen string around my hand until it felt thick enough. I tied the middle then slipped off my hand and cut the opposite side from the tie. I then tied a loop of bakers twine to serve as the hanger before beginning work on the hat.

 I made a circle template with a bowl then cut it in half. I used scraps of flannel from my stash for the hats. After rolling my half circle of flannel into a cone shape.  I used a hot glue gun to adhere first the hat together then stick the hat to the gnome body being careful to thread the hanger loop through the top of the hat. I then added a coordinating button or two to the hat and a wooden bead tucked up under the rim of the hat for the perfect gnome nose.

Thankfully I also have a stash of wooden beads to make the noses.

They turned out so cute and I used up the whole spool! Renew, reuse, recycle. ♻️

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