Category : Creativity

622 posts

Found this great looking book at the thrift store and knew it would make a fantastic book purse.
I reclaimed the handles off a super ugly purse from the same thrift store and dug through my fabric stash for the lining.

I went ahead and listed it in my Etsy store a little earlier today.

I cleaned up my art zone a little bit yesterday…enough to do a quick page in an altered book.
I used some of the scrap laying around the workspace for this page. I still need to get to work on some similar themed swap pages.

I also started work on yet another attempt at a braided rug. Things are going much better this time around… *quickly knocking on wood*

The morning sky was pretty so I thought I’d share it with you. The photo was taken through the glass of the patio door. Way to chilly to stand outside for a lousy photo op for me.

I am totally hooked on this “new to me”  technique. I’ve seen it in a magazine, You Tube, blogs etc. Trust me…this technique has been around the block a time or two. Of course, I am super late in actually trying it but I had said I wouldn’t buy any new art supplies. Well…technically I didn’t buy a new art supply, I bought a concentrated cleaner. That counts right!?!?

Anyway…Since not everyone on the planet has read about it I’ll tell you what I did. It is so simple and has such cool results.  A word of caution…this will be messy…protect your surfaces, hands and clothing.

First you take the CitroSolv concentrate full strength and pour a bit into a small container. I used a foam brush to apply it directly to the front and back of the National Geographic pages I wanted to use.  The more ink on the  pages the better. After slathering on the CitroSolv to as many pages as you’d like…close the magazine and walk away for about 20 mins or so. When you come back…put on a glove and start opening the pages…they will likely fall right from the magazine as the CitroSolv seems to un-glue the binding as well.

I hung my pages to dry with clothes pins overnight.

I painted a few pages with CitroSolv before going to bed to see if the effect would be any different. The effect seemed a little more “muddy” to me rather than having the cool bubble effect. Still totally usable papers…just different.

These are some of my favorites but as you can see below…I ended up with a bunch of fun papers to play with.

If you remember, a little while ago I made a diaper cake as a baby shower gift.

Well… that baby has arrived! A sweet baby girl!
I can’t wait to meet her!!

While the kids were gone at a birthday party today, I got busy making a cover for my ABC 7th Anniversary book. 

One little issue…I miscalculated when I was going to punch the cover with my Bind-it-all.


But look…amazing what sins a little lace will cover right!?!?

I’ve been working on a bunch of these lately. Well…actually since before school let out.
A few even sold on the garage sale….

I gave the kids teachers each a pack of these as a end of school thank you gift. I’ve also given them as birthday, thank you and hostess gifts.

I’m still having a hard time getting back in the groove of making art on a regular basis. I want to but then I sit down to do it and nothing comes. 

I decided I needed to do something different. Something experimental. So I grabbed a book and started slapping down some paint. I added what ever felt right at the moment. I didn’t even wait for the paint to completely dry. I just made art for the sake of doing it, not for what my end result might be.  It was very free and very fun. I’m positive I didn’t spend more than 10 minutes on each one.

I don’t know if I’ll go back and add actual journal entries in these pages or if they are done but who cares right!?!  


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