Category : Photography

52 posts

I feel as if time rapidly accelerates when we flip the calendar to August.  I haven’t gotten a thing posted for two weeks…even though I have been doing a little creating.

Here’s a little snippet of something I will post later today hopefully.

I know its awful to tease like that but sometimes I just can’t help myself.

I replanted my garden with a few things and three of the four items are growing nicely.

Green beans, snap peas and zucchini. I also have a volunteer tomato plant in the corner of the garden. I decided to leave it and see if it gets big enough to produce any fruit before the frost hits. I planted some carrot seeds in the deck box garden but they never sprouted. I think it got too hot for them. Oh well.

Speaking of carrots….this was a volunteer that I pulled from a pot of nasturtiums.

The faux watering can has a false bottom about 4 inches down so that’s why the carrot is so stumpy.

Marvin and I were enjoying a bit of sunshine yesterday. It was simply gorgeous. Low humidity, beautiful temperature…just a perfect day. While keeping one eye on Marvin, I noticed seed pods on the nasturtiums. You know me…had to save the seeds.

I’m super excited about this…likely more excited than one should be about seeds. I just have to let them dry. Ideally letting them dry on the plant is best but evidently you can also pick them off at this stage. These just fell off into my hand when I touched the plant. Time will tell if they are viable seeds. I also read that you can lacto-ferment these to make sort of a caper. In other artciles I read that the plant is very edible. The leaves have a pepper, mustard flavor and the flowers can be eaten raw or made into tea. Who knew?!?! I’m not one for eating flowers but I may try some leaves on a sandwich.

Since my last post I also found out what the fall will bring for our family. J goes back to campus for a mix of online and in person classes. Mini-me will be taking her college course online from home and choir through the high school…also online at this point. I will be starting the year in hybrid learning…meaning I will be at school 4 days a week. Monday-Tuesday group “A” kids and Thursday- Friday group “B” kids. Wednesday is all distance learning. I have very mixed feelings about this. I want to be in the classroom but I’m also afraid to be there. I can’t see how I can possibly do my job in person maintaining a 6 foot distance.

Today has me knocking super boring and lame items off my to-do list.  Phone calls, dentist appt, etc. Not one of my favorite days. I wish we could roll back the clock to last year this time…Mini-me and I were in Yellowstone!!

Oh well…time marches on…

What are you doing today.

Wowsers! My ADD is in full gear. I want to try everything. So many irons in the fire but not much getting fully finished. Its a self-diagnosed condition and I am not making light of those who struggle with the medically diagnosed form. I’m with ya…I get it!

Where or where to start….

These seem like the perfect way to begin to explain how my ADD is working these days.

I pulled out my sewing box looking for a needle and button thread to reattach a button on J’s shorts. Yes, this would have been the optimal time to teach him this skill but I didn’t think of that until I was done. Perhaps I’ll have to snip a few threads on another one. *insert evil laugh*

Anyway…I noticed a few completed yoyos and several circles ready to sew. Of course, I dive full in and begin sorting through my scraps for pieces big enough to cut circles, then sit down and sew all these. I decided to exhibit a bit of self-control and actually began to tackle my to-do list.

I canned my spicy beans…although 2 jars never properly sealed so those are in the fridge for immediate consumption.

I also made Kimchi for the first time. You can see that I sampled quite a bit from one jar before thinking to document. It is so good! I sort of cobbled together a few recipes since I didn’t have the exact ingredients for any of them. I wasn’t sure if it would taste as good as the local brands I picked up at the co-op but it did! Now I have my fingers crossed that we get another Napa cabbage in our farm share box this week.

Sticking with the food theme…

The summer squash is beginning to ripen, We really enjoy these grilled. I use the grill as much as possible to cook with during the summer. No use heating up the house if at all possible not to.

I came home from my walk yesterday to find this…looks ok since you didn’t see it before. The deer ate a good 1/4 of the plant leaves and stems in addition to EVERY SINGLE tomato on the vine. There had to have been at least 15 maybe closer to 20 tomatoes in various stages of ripening. UGH!!!!!!!

Moving on…no use crying about what is already done.

My walk yesterday morning took me to the lake where I would take the kids swimming when they were little.

The water was so calm. Even the boat launch made for a pretty scene.

The rental craft are always a pretty picture but I was honestly very surprised that they are renting them during the pandemic. HMM…

This week after much deliberation, I decided to reopen my Etsy store. Mini-me said that she’d help me in exchange for a sales commission. I think that is fair and savvy on her part.

I have only gotten a few cards listed so far but its a work in progress.

More works in progress are masks for the family. J will need a bunch for school. They are required to wear them on campus while outside of their rooms. The dining center and any classrooms that require other protective gear are the exceptions. Mini-me will also need more if she will be attending community college as part of the PSEO (post-secondary enrollment option) program. She’s been accepted but her counselor quit two weeks ago. We’re kind of stuck at the moment. She may be starting her senior year at high school then transition to the college classes…who knows?!?!

Too soon? LOL I indulged in a cold beer over the weekend in my Corona glass.

Today I’m attempting to get some of the chores I really don’t like doing so that I can do a few fun crafty things I’ve been wanting to try. I’m dangling the carrot for myself…we’ll see if it works or not.

What are you doing today?

Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.  Since it has been two weeks since my last T Tuesday post, I thought I’d give a few updates on what I’ve been up to.

Let’s dive right in…

I figured I’d start with a garden update since this photo was just so pretty. Whoever thought a potato plant would be pretty. The galvanized planter holds nasturtiums and a volunteer of some sort.

Everything is growing…looking good. It is starting to make me nervous. Every time I have a beautiful garden, some sort of damage happens in the blink of an eye. Hail and pesky deer are the most likely cluprits.

At least this garden should be safe from the deer.

With the addition of the full height gate.

I can’t get over how big the tomatoes have gotten. They all have blossomed with the promise of fruit.

I got outside to water early since the heat and humidity are sky-high for today and tomorrow.

I made a bamboo trellis with little a bunting for each of the large flower pots out front. I decided to plant morning glories and cardinal climbers in the pots this year for something different. I like the height it gives the pots.

I am finally done with school. Distance learning is not fun for anyone…  Since the decision to move to distance learning was made unexpectedly over a weekend, lockers were left untouched. A group of us, over two days, emptied 1600 lockers.

It was a big task but it was awesome to be back in the building. With familiar faces. Talking to people in person.

This locker was empty save the stacks of unused condiment cups. Middle schoolers are weird.

Back at home, I decided to try my hand at pickling eggs. I’m not even sure we’ll like them but time will tell. They need to sit for at 2-4 weeks in the fridge to absorb the flavors.

On Friday, Mini-me had her wisdom teeth removed. She was supposed to get them out 2.5 months ago but…COVID-19 happened, lockdown happened…

She was having a hard time on Saturday so I picked up this beautiful bouquet at the local farmers market to brighten her day. It brightened her spirits but didn’t lessen the swelling. Poor baby…her face was a square. It is still fairly swollen but the pain is lessening.

I’ve been working on some more art journal pages for Art Journal Journey. Did you know I am guest hosting this month? The theme I have chosen is A Stitch in Time.

I’m going to be spending as much time as possible indoors over the next 48 hrs to avoid the heat and humidity. There certainly is plenty to keep me busy.

What are you doing today?

I haven’t been using my “big camera” (my DSLR) all that much lately.

Its a shame really since I love photography. Over the past couple weeks when the weather has cooperated, I’ve tried to get in the habit of using it again. I really need to keep up on my skills…I’ll be taking Senior pictures for Mini-me NEXT summer. Geesh…the time certainly flies.

Take a look…



2016 Summertime Photo Scavenger hunt wrap-up

The summer has ended and so has the hunt for photos. I like to wrap things up with a recap of the old and any newly snapped photos. This year I only missed one on the list but got an alternative to takes it’s place. In the past I’ve gotten every single one including the alternates.

1. A “wild heart” – a naturally occurring heart (like the rock above, but it doesn’t have to be a rock)summer photo huntHostas in my backyard

2. A footprint or pawprint


Husky paw print

3. A skeleton, bone or x-ray

bones-collageAt the orthopedist

4. A book or magazine read during 2016


Lots of books…can’t stop reading…

5. A porch or deck

deck collage

Trex Deck at the MN landscape Arboretum

6. A camper (caravan)

summer photo hunt

Camper trailer

7. A family gatheringsummer photo hunt

Independence day gathering

8. A drawing, art project, artistic photograph, scrapbook page, greeting card, or art journal page created by you.summer photo huntObviously this isn’t my only creation of the summer…if you’d like to see more just browse around the blog. :)

9. Someone playing with, in, or around water.summer photo hunt4th of July waterfight….a tradition

10. A bicyclebikeAt a parking lot next to a state bike trail.

11. Fresh producesummer photo huntBeans from my garden and CSA box

12. A windowwindowThe broken remains of my drivers side window…you can read about it here.

13. The moonsummer photo huntLucky low light shot of the moon over the house.

14. A buffet of foodsummer photo hunt4th of July gather again…

15. A team logoteamsSome of our beloved local teams…current and former.

16. A map showing a trip taken during the time period


Mini-me and I traveled to Alexandria over the summer for a girls weekend.

map-2This close-up map has both lakes that we stayed on…if you look closely you can see my reflection.

17. Twinssummer photo huntI took a bit of liberty with this one just because it made me laugh.

18. A supermarket cart, basket or trolley full of groceries cart

Back to school stock up at Target

19. A seasonal cocktail or beveragesummer drinkMoscow Mule…favorite summer drink!!

20. Someone laughing

This is the one I didn’t get mostly because I don’t show faces on my blog if at all possible.

21. A photograph of you with a newspaper or calendar page from the time period covered in the Hunt. Note: you may not use a substitute for this item.

timely-photoI believe this one is self explanatory

Alternatives – if you’re having trouble finding any of the above, you may substitute from this list (but you may not substitute for item #21):
alternative 1: a lighthouse

No lighthouse either

alternative 2: a baby (human or animal)


Can you see the baby? Cute little “O”.

That about wraps it up. I’m not sure what happened to Rinda’s blog as it hasn’t been updated since June but I do know that the Facebook group has been active so I’ll be posting there. I do hope to continue with photo scavenger hunts…they are really fun and a real challenge at times to get creative and think outside the box.



Thanks for stopping by for Second on the 2nd.


Last Friday Mini-me had the day off of work…yes, my little baby girl has a job. How does this happen?!?  The forecast had nothing good to say. Hot and humid with extreme heat warnings. So we figured the best course of action would be to go walking at the MN Landscape Arboretum. Yeah…good choices did not prevail. But that’s ok…all’s well that ends well as the old saying goes.

We headed out early for a little fuel in the form of Chick-Fil-A biscuits and iced coffee.

The Arboretum recently opened a new Chinese garden that we had completely forgotten about until we happened upon it on our 3 mile walk…technically its a drive but biking and walking are welcome.

As you enter you pass under a lovely arch…this is it from the back of the garden.

This plaque greeted us as we passed through the archway.

In the distance we could see large interesting art pieces drawing us further into the garden.

As well as the geometric red fencing that was the perfect perch for several birds as they sang their beautiful songs over the pond.

The area is quite sparse at this point. That may be purposeful. All I know is that by this point in our trek we were very overheated.

Mini-me caught a bit of breeze in the shade of a pagoda.

 Ahead of us on the crushed gravel pathway was this gorgeous dragon.

He looks very fierce. The detail of the work that the artist was able to create on the large scale using metal intrigues me. Evidently he is just on loan to the Arboretum. I wonder when and if they will have more permanent installations in that garden.

We will definitely be making more visits to the Arboretum as summer continues. We like to walk, take photos and chat together. Its nice having grown up conversations with my kids. Ones that don’t involve nagging about chores, homework or how much time they spend staring at screens. (as I sit here staring at my screen)

Today has a list as usual for me. It keeps me on track. In fact a friend and I are texting a photo of our list each morning to each other and then again in the evening to hold us accountable for checking stuff off that list. So far, so good. Of course this week with the Independence Day holiday things are a little wonky but stuff still needs to get done.


What are you doing today?

Last week I left off with the conservatory portion of our day trip to recreate the missed field trip. Next to the conservatory is a zoo. Como Zoo.

As children, both Mr. G and I visited this zoo with our parents….rode the giant tortoise, looked at the gorillas behind the bars and saw Sparky the Seal perform. Things have changed for the better over the years. The habitats are continually being improved. Mini-me has even witnessed change in her years. When we got there we saw that both the seal and polar bear habitats were changed or changing. Good news for those critters.

The big cats are a favorite of mine…

Watching this big guy walk was like seeing a giant version of Marvin. He saunters when he walks.

The lions were thoroughly enjoying the sunshine.

And who could blame them when just off to the side was the remains of our snow.

It is Minnesota after all.

I have one more part of our adventure to share with you next week.

Since this is T stands for Tuesday I had to share my birthday present to myself. I picked it up at Caribou (the best coffee place in my opinion…no affiliation, just a very smitten customer) while getting my free birthday drink.

This weekend also brought prom for J. He went with a bunch of friends and had a wonderful time. I once again wish I could show you my favorite candid shot from pre-prom pictures. It captured his personality perfectly….but I respect their right to privacy even now that he is an adult.

School is winding down…yet so many things that need to be done.

What are you doing today?

Today for T stands for Tuesday I’m sharing the first installment of the adventure Mini-me and I headed went on to recreate the Digital Photography field trip she missed while on her French field trip. Poor communication between teachers I guess.

We followed in the foot steps of her class and went to the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory in our state capital city of St. Paul. 

The Conservatory is a beautiful structure with the iconic glass dome and several glass wings jutting out from the center.

I knew the structure was old but didn’t realize that it was over 100 years old until I noticed this sign.

While Mini-me was working her photography skills on the flora and fauna displayed, I was marveling at the architecture and unique features of the building.

Its amazing to me how glass and steel can be a work of art in itself.

In a separate wing of the conservatory was a Bonsai pavilion. These were my favorites.

Since this wing was dedicated to Japanese culture and tradition it was only fitting I share a bit of the traditional tea ceremony pieces on display here for T stands for Tuesday.

The pottery was simple yet beautiful.

More next time for T Tuesday…

What are you doing today?

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