Category : Photography

52 posts

Did you ever have one of those days weeks where you feel as if you are running in all different directions….but its just your mind.? Or is that just me? So many irons in the fire but they are all being attended so that is a step in the right direction.

College applications along with official transcripts and ACT scores have been submitted. FAFSA has been submitted. J is several steps closer to heading off to college in the Fall!

We had our first snow on Friday. It didn’t amount to much but the change in temps and the crazy wind has certainly taken us all by surprise. BRRR! Luckily we had gotten the vast majority of the leaves picked up and taken to the environmental center for composting. While we were there I stopped in at the Reuse room and snagged a brand new bottle of gesso and 3 cans of spray paint.

I started a new segment on my blog called Funny Face Friday. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep it up but I must say I’m seeing faces in more and more things all the time!

And of course I’m on track with the current photo challenge. Here are days 19-27 for your viewing pleasure.

19. Spooky….one of our board game covers

20. Witchy…mini-me helped me with this prompt. She said my vignette looked kind of witchy (not sure how I feel about that)

21. Night…our corner tree with half the bulbs burned out. Come on Christmas decor sales.

22. Wicked…another board game cover…wicked genie

23. BOO!…he’s really too cute to be scary

24. Decoration….I do more Fall than Halloween decorating. Not my favorite holiday.

25. Out & About…can’t say that I just sit around at work. I’m moving constantly!

26. Pens of plenty…some of my faves

27. Pumpkin…just another crazy weather day for us. Snow is not uncommon in October around here.

Just a few prompts left. I really had fun and was challenged with some of the prompts. I’ve yet to pick my November challenge but rest assured I will share it with you.

Since this T stands for Tuesday after all and I wasn’t able to sneak my beverage in any other way…

This has been what I’ve been drinking in the evenings when it’s chilly. It’s so good!

Tomorrow we’ll be handing out treats to all the little goblins that stop by. I’m supposed to dress up for school but I really don’t want to…plus I have a doctor appt right after work. AWKWARD! We’ll see how motivated I am tomorrow. I figured I’d default to a cowgirl. Braids, hat, boots…check. We can make that work.

What are you doing today?

The other day I noticed this old and I must admit nasty, now that it’s enlarged, outlet at work and had to laugh at the face staring back at me.

Now I am noticing faces in other strange places and objects. It just makes me smile.

I’ve been doing pretty well keeping up with the daily prompts for the photo challenge from Mrs. Brimbles. I honestly am now unclear if this is a current challenge on her blog or not but there are definitely people using the #mrsbrimblesboodaily on Instagram so I’m playing along.

10. Writing…results of a brainstorming session about my blog

11. Preparation…home canned goods and wine

12. My poison…Corona with lime

13.  Halloween memories…J circa 2004 as Link

14. Magic…Magic the Gathering card

15. Selfie…I improvised with my reflection

16. Favorite…painted, decorated edges of altered books and art journals. The wonkier the better.

17. Color orange…Castle Danger Cream Ale…gorgeous orange color

18. Words…dictionary pages covering my tired old fridge.


I did do some actual creating the other day…you can take a peek at the previous post at my art journal pages. I’m also thinking about setting up my sewing machine temporarily. I have a project in mind and do have a deadline so I know it won’t be out forever. Unless I can find one of those tables that the machine folds down into. Gotta keep my eye out for one of those!!

My day will consist of making lunches, work, quick grocery store stop, dinner and laundry.

Living the dream, folks…living the dream.

What are you doing today?


The weeks are flying by…sort of…they are long in the fact that I’m not getting my creative time in anymore. But also short…as in I haven’t gotten everything marked off my to-do list…not even once.

I am having fun with the photo challenge I picked though.

Here are my photos from the first 9 days….

Since #8 also is my usual beverage it’s counting as my obligatory photo for T stands for Tuesday as well.

This past weekend was homecoming at school. Mini-me was in the parade then went to the football game on Friday. The dance was Saturday. A group a 7 girls went and had a blast.

Sunday had us doing yard work and helping J apply for college. Wow…can hardly believe it!

Monday night was the Fall choir concert and this time we saw both of our kids performing. What a treat.

Thanks for sticking with me through my meager and sporadic posting.

What are you doing today?

Aside from the daily Instagram posts I plan to do a recap of the photos periodically here as well.Welcome to T stands for Tuesday! Won’t you join me for a cuppa and a brief chat…

Since time is still fleeting for me I’m going to try something new this month. A daily photo challenge. I know at this point I’m already behind but that’s ok…I’ll catch up. I figure I should have time to snap a quick photo with my phone and upload it to my Instagram.

Now to decide which one I want to play along with….  I’ve narrowed it down to 3 choices, sticking with current challenges.

Regardless of which challenge I chose, I plan to do a recap of the photos periodically here as well as the daily Instagram posts. It should be a fun challenge keeping up with things and thinking outside the box at times especially with limited time.

What are you doing today?

TIL you ask? Today I Learned.

While looking through photos to put this post together I saw a burst photo series that I thought would make a cool animation…the only problem was that I had no clue how to make that happen. With a quick search I found a great tutorial that walked me through the process step by step.

Not too shabby for less than 5 minutes worth of work.

I did finish my quilt…you can see the full post about it here.

And created an art journal page for AJJ…full post here.

Today consists of some taxi driving….J to school as the roads are pretty slippery from a glaze of ice and Mini-me has an appointment this morning. Nothing like having to drive on the ice. YUCK!

What are you doing today?

The summer has ended and so has the hunt for photos. I like to wrap things up with a recap of the old and any newly snapped photos. This year I only missed one on the list but got an alternative to takes it’s place. In the past I’ve gotten every single one including the alternates.

1. A “wild heart” – a naturally occurring heart (like the rock above, but it doesn’t have to be a rock)summer photo huntHostas in my backyard

2. A footprint or pawprint


Husky paw print

3. A skeleton, bone or x-ray

bones-collageAt the orthopedist

4. A book or magazine read during 2016


Lots of books…can’t stop reading…

5. A porch or deck

deck collage

Trex Deck at the MN landscape Arboretum

6. A camper (caravan)

summer photo hunt

Camper trailer

7. A family gatheringsummer photo hunt

Independence day gathering

8. A drawing, art project, artistic photograph, scrapbook page, greeting card, or art journal page created by you.summer photo huntObviously this isn’t my only creation of the summer…if you’d like to see more just browse around the blog. :)

9. Someone playing with, in, or around water.summer photo hunt4th of July waterfight….a tradition

10. A bicyclebikeAt a parking lot next to a state bike trail.

11. Fresh producesummer photo huntBeans from my garden and CSA box

12. A windowwindowThe broken remains of my drivers side window…you can read about it here.

13. The moonsummer photo huntLucky low light shot of the moon over the house.

14. A buffet of foodsummer photo hunt4th of July gather again…

15. A team logoteamsSome of our beloved local teams…current and former.

16. A map showing a trip taken during the time period


Mini-me and I traveled to Alexandria over the summer for a girls weekend.

map-2This close-up map has both lakes that we stayed on…if you look closely you can see my reflection.

17. Twinssummer photo huntI took a bit of liberty with this one just because it made me laugh.

18. A supermarket cart, basket or trolley full of groceries cart

Back to school stock up at Target

19. A seasonal cocktail or beveragesummer drinkMoscow Mule…favorite summer drink!!

20. Someone laughing

This is the one I didn’t get mostly because I don’t show faces on my blog if at all possible.

21. A photograph of you with a newspaper or calendar page from the time period covered in the Hunt. Note: you may not use a substitute for this item.

timely-photoI believe this one is self explanatory

Alternatives – if you’re having trouble finding any of the above, you may substitute from this list (but you may not substitute for item #21):
alternative 1: a lighthouse

No lighthouse either

alternative 2: a baby (human or animal)


Can you see the baby? Cute little “O”.

That about wraps it up. I’m not sure what happened to Rinda’s blog as it hasn’t been updated since June but I do know that the Facebook group has been active so I’ll be posting there. I do hope to continue with photo scavenger hunts…they are really fun and a real challenge at times to get creative and think outside the box.

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