Christmas wrap up

Christmas has come and gone but we still have our decorations up. It seemed like such a short time that I can’t bear to take them down yet. I love the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights…they feel somewhat magical.

The only thing that has come down are the Christmas cards and photos. We received so many photo cards this year that I had to start a second row around the kitchen/living room archway.

I always enjoy handmade cards and was lucky enough to get two in the mail this year. The first was from Rita of SoulComfort’s Corner.  We’ve been pen pals for a couple years now…although, truth be told, I’m a really crappy pen pal.

Next I got a special envelope from Elizabeth of Altered Book Lover. Each year she makes a tip-in. This year I was also lucky enough to also get a lovely quiltlet or wall hanging…whatever you prefer. I love fabric and mixed media so this is right up my alley.

I think perhaps I’ll include the quiltlet into my December Daily. I think it would be a nice and unexpected addition to the journal.

Speaking of December Daily…I’m woefully behind. I didn’t really think through the fact that my new “journal station” happens to be the desk in J’s room. This is fine when he’s not home but…he is…and will be for another 2 weeks. Not that I’m complaining at all but I just haven’t figured out a good alternative space to spread out but not have it be in the way. In the meantime I’ve been creating some embellishments to add to my journal when I get a chance. You can read more  about those in another post.

Back to fun Christmas gifts and memories. First I had to show this gingerbread house I bought for the kids, especially J. J has always been a huge fan of Mario. The kit cracked me up when I saw it at Michael’s so of course I had to get it for them to create.

I received some really fun gifts from co-workers at school such as this t-shirt.

And this……the BEST GIFT EVER.

Those of you who follow me on Instagram have already seen it but I don’t care…it bears showing again.

It was a really good Christmas. Friends, family and fun.

Today is Mini-me’s sweet sixteen! She is spending time with a friend…bowling, snacking and laughing just to name a few. I’m in awe of the fact my children are growing up so quickly.


3 Thoughts on Christmas wrap up
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    31 Dec 2018

    Your Christmas wrap up is wonderful. I am thrilled you got my tip-in and will be including the quiltlet in your December journal.

    WOW, that Mario gingerbread cake was fabulous. Did you eat it, or just let it sit to be admired? I wouldn’t even think of cutting into it if it was mine (grin).

    You have some incredibly unique co-workers. I suspect you all get along well together.

    I hope you have a healthy, safe, and joyful new year and 2019, dear friend. Give Marvin a couple of hugs from me, and wish Mini-me a happy sweet sixteen.

    Divers and Sundry
    31 Dec 2018

    We leave our tree up through the 12 Days of Christmas. It’s such a short season otherwise, and we enjoy it so.

    The Mario Gingerbread house is great! It reminds me of hours spent playing Mario 64 lol I got a kick out of that awesome spoon. Happy Birthday to Mini-Me! I’m sure she’ll have a wonderful time.

    Happy New Year’s Eve!

    1 Jan 2019

    Wonderful Christmas wrap up, Halle. I love the soft glow of Christmas tree lights. Our tree stays up until I get tire of the pretty glow and am longing for an uncluttered look again.

    That spoon is awesome! Hugs, Eileen

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