Creative ADD

Last updated : February 28, 2016
I’ve been all over the place lately when it comes to creativity.
I think I may have Art ADD (attention deficit disorder).
Ok…some might argue that I have ADD in other areas of my life as well but the Art ADD is self-diagnosed.
I blame the other on Motherhood. Children steal you’re ability to keep a clear running thought in your head. :) But I wouldn’t change a thing.
Anyway…these are the things I’ve done in the past week.
I papered our recycling cabinet to match the fridge.
Knitted another dishcloth on the loom

Knitted a cowl on the loom…

Miniature terrain on a recycled CD…
Another terrain piece…
And last night I started another twirly crochet scarf because my elbow was hurting from the repetitive motion of the knitting.
Crochet seems to work my wrist more and doesn’t bother me.

In addition I’ve been washing and ironing my way through a large box of old linens. Deciding what is decent enough to save and use and what I can use in my artwork. Vintage linens and fabric are part of my idea for the Postcard Challenge book.

So, yeah…definitely Art ADD.

4 Thoughts on Creative ADD
    1 Feb 2012

    I just had to laugh when I saw your latest Art ADD :) it really looks great and such a perfect thing to do it on!

    I love your other projects too, I’m trying to use up my yarn and just started an easy knit scarf–finished the neck warmer. Your mini terrains are all so interesting-love the stones.

    Have a great day :) February is starting off sunny and mild.

    Dandelion and Daisy
    1 Feb 2012

    But you are accomplishing a lot! Recycling center redo is very classy! I can’t crochet or knit but admire those who can, you pieces are lovely.

    2 Feb 2012

    I’m impressed at your ability to be creative with everything else going on, you’ve got some great projects going there! Mx

    Stacie (craft-princess)
    5 Feb 2012

    WOW! Some great projects! So cool you papered another piece of furniture to match the fridge! Also really love that dishcloth! Such pretty colors! And how creative to do those minature terrains!! Your super talented and you must also have lots of energy to get all this done…or is it caffeine induced? LOL!

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