Every purpose under heaven

Last updated : April 10, 2016

20130821_3165Layer, layers and more layers for this journal page. I had an idea in mind when I started. What was in my head didn’t match in the least bit what was coming out on the page.

I walked away for a couple days…literally.

I really liked pieces of the pages so I took my circle stamp to those parts.  I filled in around with blue and white with my fingers. I’ve really got to remember to get a picture of my hands one of these days all covered with paint. But I digress…20130821_3166

Anyone remember the 1984 movie Footloose? Well, I certainly do. It’s still a favorite of mine.

This set of Bible verses was used in a scene by Ren McCormack, played by Kevin Bacon, as he was trying to convince the very conservative city council to allow the high school kids to have a dance. This scene amazed me to hear that the Bible said dancing was ok because I grew up in a very conservative church that dancing was not allowed either.  Its a beautiful and powerful set of verses.

20130821_3168I decided that the verse needed to be added after I looked at the pages. I thought that might be a view from heaven…the universe in front of you…all the stars and planets.


6 Thoughts on Every purpose under heaven
    21 Aug 2013

    wonderful pages Halle and reading what your wrote along with the verse is extra special too! oxo

    Jan LaFollette
    21 Aug 2013

    Nice page! That’s a quote I like, too. Did you grow up in the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church? I did and I was told that dancing was bad. I loved to dance and could not figure out how it could be a bad thing! Amazing how our journal pages can reflect parts of our lives in such serendipitous ways.

    Yvonne Quarles
    22 Aug 2013

    Love these pages and colors.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    22 Aug 2013

    Not sure how I missed this, but it could be because I was not on the computer today until you called. I used that entire quote during the month of November, last year, when I did Art Every Day Month. I took one part : “a time to” and paired it with something I was working on that day. It is a fantastic quote and (in my opinion) an even better song when sung by The Byrds.

    Your interpretation of this quote (or is it a hymn?) is superb. I love how you turned the circles into planets, and how you thought the process through until you knew where you were going with this spread. Lovely and full of great color, too. Those splashes of orange really made those pages come to life.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    22 Aug 2013

    Should have read what Patty wrote. VERSE is a great word.

    25 Aug 2013

    these pages are lovely…the circles do remind me of planets! and I’ve always loved that poem/song. well, at least I hear the folk song in my head whenever I read those verses! I posted your puzzle piece mail art on my blog in case you want to check it out. Thanks again! it’s beautiful!

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