I’m not excited about the colors I used on this page but I’m having a lot of fun with the doodles. I think it’s something I’m going to play with more.
Speaking of flowers…
I’m in need to some identification of a “flower” or maybe a weed that has planted itself amongst my spirea bush.
It’s quite large. The leaves are about 6 inches long and the bud it about 1.5 inches in diameter. It seemingly grew up overnight. I’m sure it didn’t and that it was working its way up while I was sick for a week.
The goofy thing is tall as well. I’ve been leaving it now just to see what comes of it but would love to know if anyone could tell me ahead of time. Patience is not one of my virtues.
i’ve left plants 2 different times and waited until i could identify them. the 1st time it was ragweed. the 2nd time it was a huge thistle. my neighbors are still cursing my memory… lol
Your mystery plant looks like a SUNFLOWER to me…how exciting…looks like you’ll know for certain when it pops open!
Your doodled flowers look wonderful and really speak to me of summer
Have a great weekend Halle oxo
I’m with Patty. This looks like a sunflower to me, too. Of course, I’ve got plants I can’t identify, so I may not be the best person to give advice. But, I do think Patty is right on this one. Please let us know when it blooms.
Those are adorable doodles. I’m so in awe of that artform and you do it so well.