Garden and treasured tea

Last updated : April 10, 2016
It’s that busy time of year. 
Getting the garden prepped and planted. 
I started with my herbs that hang along the deck. I was able to over winter both a thyme and a flat leaf parsley this year. Additionally I started seeds early this Spring and picked up a couple small plants at the greenhouse yesterday. 
We love having fresh herbs in our food.

I have 12 tomato plants this year of 4 varieties that I started from seed back in mid-March. 
Six live here… along with some green onions and basil I’m hoping will sprout.

The other six are in the “big garden”. They are sharing space with green beans, snow peas, kohlrabi and jalapenos.
I got the fence up immediately this year so  the wildlife wouldn’t get any snacks from me.

This morning I saw that one of my book purses was this Etsy treasury.
Just had to share…makes me happy when something I’ve created is appeciated.
Lots of fun stuff was featured….
Are you gardening this year?
Thanks for stopping by for Tea Tuesday with Kimmie and the gang.


11 Thoughts on Garden and treasured tea
    ~*~Patty S
    15 May 2012

    Your book purse looks fab in the Etsy Sampler…Yeah You Halle…that is exciting and well deserved!

    Everything is so green and full of promise in your neck of the woods…Love the sounds of what you have planted already!

    I planted a Snail Vine with hopes of pretty flowers this year…a gift from TJefferson’s Monticello nursery…guess he grew it way back when (gave it a whirl last year and not much happened!)

    Happy T day to you Mz Green Jeans!oxo

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    15 May 2012

    WOW!! Your tomatoes are unbelievable. I have never been able to start tomatoes from seed. The only thing that overwintered was my sage and I believe only because it was such a mild winter. Even my rosemary died, as did one of the rosemary plants I bought a couple of weeks ago. I can’t seem to do well with rosemary. I should give it up and stop wasting my money on it.

    Of course, my tomatoes are so much smaller than yours and I’m not doing well with the rest of the garden either, now that I have that nasty black cloth in place in my garden. Why I ever let anyone talk me into that is beyond me, because you can’t plant any seeds in the soil.

    Congrats on being a part of the Etsy group today. What an honor, I’m sure. Hope it brings lots of sales your way, too.

    Happy tea in the garden today.

    15 May 2012

    That’s wonderful about the Etsy traesury you got in. I will check it out.Yes, I am gardening and down this way we actually plant things in January for the Spring garden. I am on my second planting and my tomato plants are as tall as I am right now. I’m also having some surprise things come up that I didn’t plant. I think they came from the coompost, so it has to be something we eat. LOL We’ll see what happens. Happy tea day to you.

    15 May 2012

    Your garden looks fantastic – and to grow tomatoes from seed?!? amazing! I don’t think we’ll do tomatoes this year – they just don’t do well here.

    Congrats on your treasury pick – I’ll go over there now and favorite it :)

    Happy Tuesday!

    15 May 2012

    you have a been a busy lady! i used to garden but now i just poke around here and there…no more veggies…i am putting in a couple of herbs and 2 roses…oh and 2 sedums…easy stuff…i LOVE your banners what a great way to keep the peskies away!! happy tuesday, halle!

    Tracey Fletcher KIng
    15 May 2012

    congrats on being part of the treasury and great to have a glimpse around the vegie patch… we have a sizeable herb garden but it is looking a bit neglected and unloved and is on the list for this weekend… it is so satisfying to pop out and pick some herbs isn’t it…xx

    Dandelion and Daisy
    15 May 2012

    Looks like there is some salsa making in your future! Nice garden. Being featured on Etsy has to be good for business! There are so many stores, being selected for a feature has to help you grow your business.

    17 May 2012

    Congratulations about the Etsy treasury, your purse looks fab!I love how your garden is looking! I really must plant my herbs, they’re already bursting out of their tiny pots! Mx

    Sugar Lump Studios
    17 May 2012

    Congrats on the Etsy feature! Love all your garden shots!

    Stacie (craft-princess)
    18 May 2012

    Mmmmm, herbs!! We are late at gardening this year….so much going on. But we have the stuff planted…well everything but herbs! I have the pots but that is about it. The good thing is I can always bring them in the house!

    21 May 2012

    Yes, I would usually have my tomatoes started already, too….but we are taking an early vacation this year.

    Hopefully when we get back, I can get some….should still be nice and hot here in So. California :)

    Your garden plots look perfect!

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