My friend Helen sent me an email today reminding me about helping the birds now at nesting season. I KNOW I’ve seen others in previous years set out a basket of goodies for the birds to use but for the life of me I couldn’t find any of their posts. Of course I may be mistaking one blog for another in my searches. I read A LOT of blogs! my search to find the sweet basket posts for Helen, I came across another simple solution.
Since I had a nearly empty bag of lemons, I opted for this solution.
I added:
- yarn scraps
- thread
- ribbon
- dryer lint
- torn fabric strips
- Spanish moss
I took a crochet hook to pull some scraps partially out so they’d be more visible for the birds. Not sure if this is needed but I did it anyway.
I hope to see some nests with some fun colors while on my walks this year!!
i used to do that every spring when my son was younger…your bundle looks very inviting!
And it looks so pretty too!!!
What a pretty bundle for the birds. That reminded me that I had not done that in many years. Thanks.
irresistible Halleyou make me want to dig into my net bag collection and get busytweet tweet!oxo
I’ve never tried that, but I have TONS of dryer lint and other scraps I can put out for the birds. Thoughtful as always.
What a fabulous, pay-it-forward idea!! I’m on this right away and will also be looking for colorful nests in my neighborhood and yard! Thanks so much, Halle!A new friend and follower thanks to ~*~Patty S,Karen
So I posted on Monday, but my brain went blank as to where I found this – Lost in Bloglandia Syndrom – however, Patty S. to the rescue! So I just posted the following on my blog:UPDATE: I just learned from my friend Patty Szymkowicz atMagpie’s Nest ~*~ that I saw this idea at has a great blog, you should check her out!! Fun ideas and wonderful humor
Please forgive, and if you have a chance, please check out my blog – I’m kinda new to all this! xoxoKaren