I’m back…did you miss me??

Last updated : February 28, 2016

Bet you never even knew I was gone! Ah, the magic of scheduled posting.

We just got back from Wisconsin Dells! It was a blast! We stayed at a resort that had 5 water parks. Of course the one we loved most was a long walk but hey…wears the kids out!!

We did the typical Dells things that you just have to do at least once if you visit…

We rode the Army Duck Boats, toured the Tommy Bartlett Exploratory, walked the tourist trap downtown area, had our picture taken at the dam and played in the water until we were very prune-like.

We also did some goofy things like stopping to take a picture of the kids in front of most any statue we could find.

It was a wonderful vacation…without having to board an airplane. :)  Jamaica, I’m sure would have been better but we can’t drive there. 

One Thought on I’m back…did you miss me??
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    19 Aug 2010

    Welcome home. So glad you made it back and safe, too. Can’t wait to see photos.

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