I’m hosting Art Journal Journey for July!

Last updated : June 24, 2024

Welcome everyone! I’m thrilled to be hosting this month over at Art Journal Journey!

“I’ve got a notion”

I chose a very tongue-in-cheek theme that has a wide variety of ways to fulfill the challenge.

This piece uses a number of sewing themed items as well as machine stitching.

Don’t let the word “notion” trip you up. It’s really more sewing themed with a puny title. I love a good pun!

I added a little pocket to hold a tag with a quote that resonated with me.

I’m looking forward to seeing how others interpret my theme of “I’ve got a notion”.

Head on over to Art Journal Journey and join the fun!


5 Thoughts on I’m hosting Art Journal Journey for July!
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    1 Jul 2024

    I love your theme this month. I know I’m going to have fun with it. I adore your sewing. Your machine works a lot better than mine. I love the even stitches and the beautiful flowers. I hadn’t noticed the quote card in the pocket until you pointed it out. This is a stunning first entry you have given us for your theme at AJJ.

    2 Jul 2024

    Oh Halle, this is so beautiful and a great start to your wonderful theme. Hugs,Chrisx

    2 Jul 2024

    I haven’t heard the word “notions” used this way in years, lol! Your artwork is just darling! One of my favorite things in handmade artwork, which for me is almost always mixed-media, is stitching on the piece. Somehow it always finishes it off. This was a fun theme!

    Erika N
    1 Jul 2024

    This is a really pretty page Halle. I love the flowers and the vintage papers. The stitching and lace are really just “the cheery on sundae” as the cliche goes. This should be a fun challenge. Happy July, and I’m glad you’re hosting for us too. hugs-Erika

    Divers and Sundry
    1 Jul 2024

    So pretty! I don’t sew, but I appreciate the work of others.

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