I’m still here…

Just had to get that out there.  I haven’t been around to visit hardly any of my regular haunts online. I was gone quite a bit this week though so we’ll go with that. :)point of viewWhen I’m home, this seems to be my point of view. Not that I’m complaining. I’ve got orders for many of my sewn items which is fantastic!

Late last evening I got a phone call from a friend asking if I’d be a part of a boutique style show right after Thanksgiving. Oh yeah…I’m in! production line

Today I’m really stepping up my production line. I hate to call it that since each item is one of a kind but I do work on several at the same time…production line style. Mr. G likes to tease me when I’m ironing seams…since I almost never iron our clothing. scraps

I feel like I’m honestly making a good dent in my fabric stash. I’m sure “Grandma” Livingston would be happy to know her fabrics are continuing to be put to good even 30 years later.  I love mixing the old with the new for completely unique patchwork.

2 Thoughts on I’m still here…
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    10 Nov 2013

    WOW, lucky you. First a REAL job, then an invite to be in a show. What more could a gal want.

    Of course, you know me. I’d make them all very similar because I really AM an assembly line kind of gal when it comes to art. But I guess I’m not when it comes to fabric, since I seldom have that much fabric for more than one piece. I like how you are combining old with new. And just think how much stash you are getting rid of.

    12 Nov 2013

    how exciting to have another venue… nothing like a deadline to get things done!

    funny about ironing I hardly do it for other than crafting myself ;)

    I have not been myself in blogland lately and can’t quite figure out what is up…

    your photos are fun in this post… oxo

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