Yesterday a recommended video came through a YouTube update email. Normally I ignore those but this one combined with the fact that I actually had the time to watch one made quite the impression…or perhaps that should be impressionist. *wink* Thanks Jane.
I was instantly inspired to give this technique a try. This also gave me an excuse to start another journal. Yeah I know…like I really need another journal. This one is actually a Creative Memories scrapbook album.
I decided to get real with myself. I’m never going to scrapbook. And certainly not in this album. It’s the same as some of those clothes in my closet. I’m never going to wear them so why have them unless they can serve another purpose.
Since Creative Memories albums have a metal edge on each side of the page, I decided to cut a piece of scrapbook paper down to the proper size to fit in between.
I had originally intended that some of the original pattern would show through but evidently I was heavier handed with the paint than expected.
I created the page in a similar manner to that described in the video. I really like the result. I’m not into recreating others work but I do really appreciate the inspiration and willingness of others to teach and share.
Mini-me saw my practice page and said she’d really like a painting of this in her room.
I think it would really look great on the grey walls. I’m sure there will be a few more practice attempts before the real deal on canvas.
This is beyond beautiful! Great! oxo Susi
This is wonderful, Halle! When I do a piece on paper that I love, I “mount” it on canvas by using gel medium ( or mod podge). When it is dry, I paint around the edges of the canvas ( usually black :) ( or to coordinate with the edges of the painting/ collage on paper) and work it over the sides of the paper to blend it in. I’d rather paint on paper than canvas, but I don’t like to frame my work :) and I’m lazy and sometimes never get to doing it again on canvas….
It’s great that you have come to realize you will never use that book for its intended purpose. So having it and using it now makes sense that it would be most useful as a mixed media album. Lovely poppies. I look forward to seeing more of these over the next few weeks. Sounds like we’re going to get a few more poppies because, after all, practice makes perfect!
Gorgeous Halle. I don’t see where you need practice before completing the piece. And I know about the art supplies and clothes in the closet. Someday will convince myself that I won’t ever use them and it will be better for some else to have them. HUgs-Erika