Just how good you’ll know towards the end of my story that is jammed with lots of pictures…you’ve been warned.
Our first morning in Duluth we woke to this beautiful sunrise over Lake Superior.
Then panned to the right and saw a couple of “Lakers” …big cargo ships that travel through the Great Lakes system.
After we went down for breakfast and returned to our room this was our view!
It had steamed in that far.
This ship was one of the biggest in the fleet at 1004 ft long.
We quickly walked down to the canal to watch.
Was it going to fit?
Just cleared the lift bridge.
Here’s a view from the lift bridge when it’s down for traffic to flow.
Duluth is pretty at night as well with the lights reflecting on the water.
And then we got food poisoning…luckily just us and not the kids as well. At least it was our last night there…sure was a miserable one though. Oh yeah and about 4 AM that miserable night…the power went out in the hotel. It was only out for about 5 minutes and most likely no one but us even noticed.
I’ll share some more high points later but for now I must go rest again.
Still not feeling 100%
Such beautiful pictures! That boat sure looks like it isn’t going to fit…LOL! So sorry you ended up with food poisoning…thankfully your last day but still never a good situation. :( Last time I had it I thought I was going to die! I feel for you! Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon!
Holy cow! What a sad turn of events after such a beautiful week. Very impressive photos of the “Lakers.” Get to feeling better so we can see more of that vacation.
oh man what a way to end your nice getaway…hope you’re feeling much much better real soon
Lake Superior looks beautiful and being by the water is so refreshing! Cool ships!
take care my friend!oxo
What a beautiful place! So sorry that you got sick tough! Yikes!
I’ve been meaning to get to Duluth by the end of the summer. I don’t think that I’ll be able to do it that soon, but now I reaaaally want to go!