another big one!
Time certainly does speed up the more years that go by.
I haven’t had some weird mid-life crisis such as wanting to take up sky-diving or get a motorcycle.
No tattoos, although I did dye my hair pink for breast cancer awareness last October.
Later we are going to have
my favorite meal…
Happy birthday!! You’re just a spring chicken :)The 40’s are fabulous …. You’re just hitting your stride :)Enjoy your day!!
Woo hoo!! hip happy birthday you young thing!! Enjoy your day! Mx
Happy big Four OH today. I actually didn’t realize it was one of those biggie birthdays. Have fun AND enjoy your sushi.
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you really enjoyed youerself and got spoiled rotten! :)
P.S. Do you make sushi or go out to a restaurant? I just bought some nori and am getting ready to buy a mat to do my own and was wondering if a certain bamboo mat was better than another?
Here’s hoping you had a wonderful and special day and that you’re still celebrating…you spring chicken you!!!
Sushi is a fav of mine toooxo