kira-kira journal complete

Last updated : April 10, 2016

A little over a year ago I started work in a new journal. It was a book I’d picked off the free shelf at our local library…which incidentally is closing in a week or so. They’ve built a new building to fit with the character of the historic main street. I’m really excited about the new building but also a little sad. The old location is the library where got my very first library card.

OK…done waxing nostalgic…on with the original reason for my post. I’m done…completely finished…with my little kira-kira journal. Today, I added my title page….


…and gave a little attention to the covers, leaving the original title visible.


Here’s a little peek at the pages inside.kira-kira collage

For me, it’s always nice to put a check mark next to a project as DONE.  What about you…do those UFO’s call to you…finish me…or not really?

3 Thoughts on kira-kira journal complete
    4 Aug 2014

    Yay for finishing your journal! I love the mosaic you created of all the pages–of course in circles!

    UFOs are always calling me. I try to pile stuff on top of them so it isn’t so loud, but every now and again I have to pull one out!

    Have a great day!

    ~*~Patty Szymkowicz Magpie's Nest
    4 Aug 2014

    What a great peek at your pages Halle! That circle mosaic is super and new to me… I am wondering how you did it…inquiring minds ya know. At first I thought your library was just closing not moving… whew don’t want to see that! oxo

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    4 Aug 2014

    I’m like Patty. I want to know about the circle mosaic. At first, I thought it was a page in your journal, then realized it was a sampling of the pages.

    I’m sure you know about my longest and most hideous UFO, my 7 continents AB. I will finish it someday, then have no idea what I will do with all this junk, err ephemera, I’ve gathered in the process of making it.

    Kudos to you for getting this one in the completed column.

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