Grab a beverage and get a comfortable chair. It’s been a long time since I have posted…soon you will know why.
A bit of back story first that may explain some of the gaps in my posts…
A bit over a year ago I began a journey of trying to figure out what was up with my left eye. It had been getting a but squinty for about a year but I hadn’t given much thought to it. Then the upper lid near my eyebrow began to swell slightly. I saw so many doctors, had scans, x-rays, was given medicines to try…no luck. It just kept getting worse.
The day after my last post I finally saw the right specialist who ordered the right tests. I was scheduled for a surgical biopsy of a mass in my orbit. Two days later…on our 29th wedding anniversary…I got the news that it was Lymphoma.
I was passed along to oncology. More tests happened then I was told that it was a very slow growing type of lymphoma. This was a relief since I knew I had this for at least two years now looking back at photos.
We made the decision not to share the news with the kids just yet. Mini-me was away at college then was heading to Scotland to study aboard for three weeks.
I started daily radiation treatments the day after she left. I had 15 in all.
We had a family meeting and told the kids what was happening after she returned. The next day I had a follow-up with my oncologist. He said he has no reason to believe that the radiation wasn’t successful since the kind I had is extremely well treated with radiation. Obviously there are still tests ahead for me but I am very optimistic.
I am dealing with some side effects of the treatments such as very dry eye and some redness. All in all very minimal compared to the sheet of possible side effects I was given.
Obviously this is the readers digest version of the tale but whew…that was a lot.
So besides medical stuff…its summer here in Minnesota. The time that makes up for the other 8 months of the year. I’ve been getting out and walking most mornings.
With the exception of the ones ruined by the Canadian wildfire smoke. I had to cut that morning real short.
We finally had the decking and rails replaced on our deck. It was long overdue. Its so pretty!! I’ll be staining it this fall after the mill glaze wears off the cedar.
Marvin is enjoying it almost as much as I am.
My gardens are different this year as I didn’t know how I’d be feeling and also didn’t want pots sitting on the new naked wood on the deck. I just have flowers and herbs in the deck box garden.
And 6 potted tomatoes in the shed garden. I put down cardboard so I wouldn’t have to fight the never ending battle with weeds. It’s not the prettiest but it sure is easy.
One evening after a very hot day followed by a wind storm I found this Mourning Cloak butterfly struggling on the deck. He was so beautiful. I’m not sure if he made it or not…I’d like to imagine that he did.
I have been sewing, making journal covers and other puttering around but nothing substantial to share. Mainly been concentrating on my mental and physical health. Honestly throughout this whole ordeal I haven’t felt bad. A little more tired and an irritated eye but I am not going to complain one bit.
I have to wait 3 months for follow-up diagnostics. So until then I am going with my oncologists word of it should be all gone.
I am so happy you are telling the bad news with better news. You have been missed. I take early morning walks too. Your sunrise is beautiful! A warm welcome back!
That is a terrible ordeal and I am glad you have shared it so you don’t have to go through this alone. Let’s hope your oncologist is correct and it is all gone, now.
That new deck looks wonderful and so does Marvin. Using cardboard to keep the weeds down is wise. I know because I have done the same, too.
Thanks for sharing your incredible journey with your eye, your deck, your gardens, and your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.
I hope you will join us next Tuesday for our 10th anniversary. It would mean a lot to me. Just make sure you include a 10 somewhere in your photos.
That is quite a story and one that should be shared. Who would have thought a swollen eye was a symptom of lymphoma. I am sorry you had to experience this but so happy you are OK and on the mend. Thank you for sharing this. Your deck looks fabulous as does your garden. Take good care Halle.
What a scary thing to have happen to you Halle. You are so very brave to get in there and find out what it was and have it taken care of… I’m with your doctor. Its all gone and life begins again. Big hugs sent your way. Happy T day! Hugs! deb
You say you don’t really feel unwell, but it must have been quite a shock to the system knowing you have to see an oncologist because of a tumor. Scary stuff. I’m so glad everything seems to be OK. May it continue. Your deckinbg is indeed beautiful. I just hope you get the weather to enjoy it (Yes, I have been to Minneapolis more than once and it has always been cold.) Great to see Marvin is doing OK too. Happy T Day, Hugs, Lisca
I am so glad to hear that you are recovering with minimal side effects. Cancer is always scary but I love your positive attitude. Your garden looks lovely as well as your deck. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer relaxing and creating. Happy Tea Day, Kate
Oh, Halle! I’m so sorry that you are going through this. And I’m happy that the prognosis looks good! I’m also sorry that our wildfires are affecting you :). Our air quality in Toronto was so bad that we weren’t allowed our for lunch or recess some days ( kind of silly, because my 100 year old school doesn’t have air conditioning so we just sweltered inside of our classrooms with the windows open :)
That sounds scary, hope you get through there well. Your deck looks wonderful and Marvin sure is very cute. Happy T-Day.
What an ordeal you have faced! Yes, things can always be worse, but I feel very sorry that you have had to suffer through this, and wish you a complete and quick recovery in every part of your life!
best, mae at
I am sorry that you had to go through this – I imagine that it must have been scary. I hope that you will fully recover and your oncologist is right in saying it’s all good. I can also understand that you took some time to tell your kids, this is heavy stuff for them as well. Your deck looks lovely, I hope you will lots of time to enjoy it. My entire garden is covered with cardboard because that is the way I got rid of the lawn and planted a beautiful garden.
Oh my! What an adventure I’m glad to hear you are recovering and have such a positive attitude. That will go a long way. The new deck looks wonderful. Glad you and Marvin are enjoying the outdoors. Happy T Day
That was scary news Halle. I can see why you haven’t been around for a while. I’m sending good energy that all continues to go well. Your woodland walk looks so pretty too. And glad to see Marvin is still enjoying his best cat life since haven’t seen him for a while either. Obviously. Have a super T day Halle. hugs-Erika